1: Stan, you need to lay of the cough syrup. Ok? Seriously, I'm worried about you man.
2: How many times have I told you not to confess to other peoples crimes!? You are in serious trouble young man!
3: Oh yeah! Suck my glingon, suck my glingon. Oh yeah don't stop don't stop. Stick your finger in my gnach. Ohhhhhhh yeeeahhhhh.
4: (ein auðveld) I'm sorry children I just can't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
5: No, that wont work. I just get Gafelchafish.
6: Do you know what it feels like to get dryer and dryer and dryer? I'll tell you what it feels like. You don't wanna know. And I don't know.
7: (önnur auðveld, og nokkrir þættir koma til greina) You guys wanna get high?
8: Miss Chokesondick died and they found our seamen in her stomach.
9: The Simpsons already did it. (mjöööööög auðveld)
10: I'm sorry Kyle. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to kill you now.
11: We gonna pop some Bloods.
12. Knock knock. Who's there? An interrupting cow. An interrupting co.. MOOO!!!
Ok ég man ekki eftir mörgum öðrum í augnablikinu. Það getur vel verið að þetta sé kannski ekki alveg 100% orðrétt en það er bara mannlegt.
In such a world as this does one dare to think for himself?