Jæja hérna eru fleiri fyndnar línur!

Leela: “Professor! Where were you at 10PM last night?”
Farnsworth: “Err, where am I now?”

Zoidberg: *sniff* *sniff* *sniff* “What's this? Two meals in one week?”
Guinea Pig: *squeak*
Gang: “Gotcha! Sucker!”
Zoidberg: “Friends, help! A guinea pig tricked me!

Bender: ”I came here with a simple dream. A dream of killing all humans. And this is how it must end? Who's the real 7 billion ton robot monster here? Not I, not I…“
Fry: ”Good night, sweet prince.“

Farnsworth: ”Ohhh! You've killed me! You've killed me!“
Leela: ”Oh, god. What have I done?“
Farnsworth: ”I just told you. You've killed me!“

Fry: ”Bender's supposed to murder his best friend, which I thought was me. He didn't even try to second-degree murder me!“
Leela: ”Could you give me some help? I think Bender crushed my foot.“
Fry: ”Stop rubbing it in!“

Vélmenni1: ”Some say unholy things happen up there!“
Vélmenni2: ”For example, all of us say that.“
Farnsworth: ”Pfft, superstitious robot mumbo jumbo.“
Vélmenni2: ”Mumbo, perhaps. Jumbo, perhaps not. With all your modern science, are you any closer to understanding the mystery of how a robot walks or talks?“
Farnsworth: ”Yes you idiot!“

Amy: ”We ran out of fuel on Mercury and one thing led to another.“
Fry: ”Then it led there again when we got home!“
Both: *giggling laugh*
Leela: *sigh*
Bender: ”Congratulations, Fry. You snagged a perfect girlfriend. Amy is rich, she's probably got other characteristics…“
Leela: ”Bender! Romance isn't about money!“
Bender: ”Oh, so it's just coincidence that Zoidberg here is desperately poor and miserably lonely? Pulease…“
Leela: ”For your information. It's because he's hideous.“
Zoidberg: ”Aww.“

Fry: ”Everything was going great! Then all out of a sudden, she's talking about hanging out. Hanging out?! She's getting way too serious. I'm not a one woman man, Leela.“
Leela: ”You'll be back to zero soon enough.“
Fry: ”Don't you get it? She's smothering me!“
Amy: ”Hi.“
Fry: ”You see? You see?! Now she's bothering me when I'm at work!“
Leela: ”Fry…“
Fry: ”I'm doing my job… there's Amy. I spend a few hours selecting a candy from the machine… there's Amy. I wake up the morning after sleeping with Amy… there's Amy!“

Farnsworth: ”Good news! There's a report on tv with some very bad news.“

Zoidberg: ”Hooray, I'm useful! I'm having a wonderful time.

Zoidberg: “Good bye friends! I'll miss you … Good riddance to them. Now Zoidberg is the popular one!”
Farnsworth: “Yes, yes. Let's all talk to Zoidberg.”

Hermaður: “Why is this godforsaken planet worth dying for?”
Zapp: “Don't ask me. You're the one who is going to be dying.”

Zapp: “Private Lee Lemon may well be the finest recruite I've seen in all my years of service. That young man fills me with hope. And some other emotions that are weird and deeply confusing.”
Kif: “Yeee”

Zoidberg: “Scalpel! …. Blood-bucket! … Priest! Next patient!”
DoctorBot: “Jeez Zoidberg leave some for the enemy to kill.”

Zapp: “My friends! You can take away a man's title and his uniform but you can never take away his integrity or his honour. Plus it was mostly Kif's fault.”
Kif: “What?”
DOOP official: “Kif Kroker. You are also stripped of your rank and dishonourably dischacharged.”
Kif: “I, I …” *sigh*

Farnsworth: “I'd like everyone to meet our new employees. … *whispers* Which ones are new?”
Hermes: “The green dude, and the fat mon.”
Farnsworth: “Hmmm, I could swear I've never seen that robot before either.”
Bender: “I'm Bender. You know? The lovable rascal.”
Farnsworth: “Ohh, yes!”

Fry: "This is awesome! We're gonna be like *pow pow pow* And they're are gonna be like *whuaaaa! prccchhhhh pruuuchhh* And then we'll have pancakes to celebrate and [?] *mummpfglmmpmp*“

Fry: ”Maybe he has a parasite.“
Hermes: ”Maybe he is a parasite.“
Bender: ”It's always so sad when a friend goes crazy and you have to have a big clam bake and cook him. Yeehaw!“

Bender: ”Fry, I've never asked you for anything before but if it's not too much trouble… when it comes to the ninth round, just let him win.“
Fry: ”But it's a fight to the death!“
Bender: ”Oh, so suddenly this is all about you! Sheesh.“

Bender: ”Hello, peasants.“
Leela: ”Bender, what happened to you?“
Fry: ”Yeah, you look different. Did you get a haircut?“
Bender: ”No. I sold my body!“
Farnsworth: ”Sold your body?! Oh, Bender, I've been down that road. I know it's glamorous and the parties are great, but you'll end up spending every dollar you make on jewelry and skintight pants.“

Bender: ”Hey! I got a busted ass here, I don't see anyone kissing it.“
Zoidberg: ”Alright, I'm coming.“

Farnsworth: ”And so we say goodbye to our beloved pet Nibbler. Who's gone to a place where I too hope one day to go. The toilet.“

(Geimskipið lendir og Fry ,Leela og Bender labba út stórslösuð)
Fry : ”Im never going back to a planet called Cannalbion.“
Leela: ”Meen eather.“
Bender: ”The food was good tho."

Ég vil benda að ég fékk þessar línur á netinu. Ég þurfti smá hjálp við stafsetningu! Takk fyrir mig!
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”