Age: 39
Height: 6 Ft
Weight: Around 250lbs
Favourite Word: D'oh! (Annoyed Grunt)
Occupation: Safety Inspector in Sector 7G for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, among hundreds of other little jobs.
Favorite Store: Kwik-E-Mart
Favorite Beverage: Duff Beer
Local Hangout: Moes Tavern
Favorite Foods: Donuts, Pork Rinds, Burgers, pork, meatloaf, steak
Least Favorite Beverage: Mountain Dew
Near Death Experiences: Suffered several heart attacks, sent to hospital for exploding beer can, been in several meltdowns, tried to fight Drederick Tatum, almost drank Sulfuric Acid.
« Margerie Simpson (nee Bouvier)
Age: 34
Hair Color: Blue #56
Shoe Size: 13AA
Criminal Record: Caught Shoplifting
Favorite Singer: Tom Jones
Favorite Magazine: Sponge And Vacuum
Favorite Vegetable: Potatoes, because they're ‘neat’
Little Known Secret: She has webbed toes
Things Found In Hair: Snowball, Maggie, Christmas Savings
Famous For: Her marshmallow squares
Other Hair Facts: It resembles a bush (Homer clipper her hair instead of hedge, Maggie thought she found her when it was just a hedge, has been grey since she was a teenager, has been cut off on numerous occasions only to be seen intact in following scenes.
Bartholomew J. Simpson »
Age: 10
Also Known As: El Barto, Rudiger, The “I Didn't Do It” Boy
Idol: Krusty The Clown
Favourite TV Show: The Itchy & Scratchy Show / Krusty The Clown Show
Mysterious Twins: Hugo, Lester
Enemy: Sideshow Bob
Near Death Experiences: Tried to jump Springfield Gorge like Lance Murdoch, Being thrown off the top of Springfield Dam, Almost killed by Sideshow Bob, Almost drowned in treasure chest, Willy almost killed him after he destroyed his house.
Will Grow Up To Become: Demolishion Man, wannabe rock star.
Famous For: Saying “I Didn't Do It”, discovered a comet which was named after him, caught Blinky the 3 Eyed Fish, Being Co-Anchor on Kidz Newz, Saving Krusty from jail.
« Lisa Simpson
Age: 8
Once Called: “Springfield's Answer To A Question Nobody Asked!”
Idols: Bleeding Gums Murphy, Mr. Largo
Plays: Saxophone
Mysterious Twin : Eliza, Lisa Jr.
First Word: “Bart!”
Addictions: The Corey Hotline, Truckers ‘Stay Awake’ Tablets
Boyfriend: Langdon Alger
Obsessed With : Ponies
Secret: She once threw up on the dentist.
Famous For: Being Little Miss Springfield, Designing the ‘Lisa Lionheart’ doll, host of the Kidz Newz show, discovering the mysterious ‘angel’, her quality babysitting service, sleeping in a giant redwood to prevent it from being cut down.
Margaret (Maggie) Simpson »
Age: 1
Also Known As: Stinky pants, The other kid, The rest
Greatest Posession: Her pacifier
Price: (according to supermarket scanner) $847.63
First Word: Daddy
Unknown Intelligence : She can drive a car, saved the babies pacifiers at the daycare center, untied Bart and Lisa after the babysitter bandit tied them up, Can spell E=MC² with blocks, can write Maggie Simpson on her Etch-A-Sketch, caught a beer bottle at Hockey match, shot Mr. Burns.
Other Stuff: Once managed to get herself trapped in a newspaper vending machine, has been wearing the same gown since episode one but still clearly hasn't grown into it, has tried to kill Homer on numerous occasions (mallet, and recently with a nailgun), Will have a baby named ‘Maggie Jr.’ in 30 years.
Þá þegar maður Les kanski um Maggie þá er þetta frekar ýmundunarveikt, tjah kanski vissi maður það fyrir. En auðvitað þegar maður horfir á þættina þá sogast maður svoleiðis inní þá og manni er nákvæmlega sama hvort maður er búin að sjá þáttinn. Og þegar aðrir segja “hvernig getiði horft á Þetta bull?” Þá lýtur maður á hann einsog hann er viðirni, en byrjunin á simpsons þá byrjar hún næstum alltaf eins, en fyrir utan það þegar þau sitjast í sófann og það sem Bart skrifar á töfluna. Svo þegar maður frétti það ap það sé kona sem talar fyrir Bart, þá er maður bara yeah right, þetta er það karlmannsleg rödd, bara einsog í Kevin og Perry það var kona sem lék fyrir Perry, en maðurinn á bakvið þessa þætti er:
For five and a half years, Adam Wolf has put his free time into his dedication to what he believes is one of the most enjoyable shows on television. Adam started the site at the age of 12. The Simpsons have been there for him since the early 90's and while unhappy with the direction the show has taken, he will stick by it until it ends. Now aged 18, Adam lives in Adelaide, South Australia where he has lived for his entire life. He has just finished secondary school and hopes to pursue a career in web and graphic design.
Og svo þegar ég las bloggið hans þá segjir hann:
uesday april 15th, 2003
well fuck me, this site still exists. i'm not going to fool you. you're probably thinking i've finished school and am a busy, busy man, dedicating my time to various projects and living it up like the kids do.
so i'm trying to learn flash, right. and when i have that under my belt every fucking webdesign company in the nation will want my application. am i deluding myself? of course i'm not. and if you think otherwise, you could be right too. lets hope things go my way, and i wont spend the second half of the year asking patrons if they'd like fries with that.
so currently i'll do anything for you, under my own time and own rules. if you want a nice, professional design and want me to do it, email me and we'll talk. my portfolio does extend to more than just simpsons sites despite what you think, and i will not work for free, what with these petrol prices on the rise.
calendar of events: not much.
wednesday november 13th, 2002
since my last update….
• one exam down, two to go.
• three days and i wont have to go to school ever again.
• simpsonschannel.com wont be going after all.
• i can (legally) buy booze now.
• still suck at maths
that'd be all.
tuesday october 22nd, 2002
still alive. but only just.
friday is my last day of school. officially. i still gotta go back next week so technically life still sucks. then next month i have 9 hours worth of exams. it's all good though. i've grown to live with the fact that i suck at math, which is fine, since math sucks more than i suck at it. confusion abounds.
just a thought: if you are reading this, you are more bored than i am.
my diary goes like this. next week, finishing unfinished schoolwork, turn 18, party, exams, party, graduate, school formal, party. that should keep me busy until november 25th at the latest, then i'll be just another unemployed speck of meat on the earth. rest is good. until you run out of money. got enough. don't rob banks.
i updated my photo over there. but you already knew that because it's all you come here for. so what if it looks like i'm crying. maybe i was.
simpsonschannel.com will be no more on december 22nd.
these updates are quickly becoming more incomprehensible and depressing. end.
saturday july 20th, 2002
saw minority report before it moved out of theatres. was great, nothing like i expected. it was one of those movies that i saw knowing it would be good but i didn't learn anything about it before seeing it. better spielberg effort than the last hour of artificial intelligence.
i go back to school on monday. 17 more weeks and i'm done forever. time to give up the net for a while. i'll be around, but things like kings of trivia will go to the dogs. i wish i were 12 again.
port adelaide power just broke their winning streak. played like shit in the final quarter, deserved it. they need to rethink their gameplan if they think they're going to survive in the finals. still on the top of the ladder though, brisbane are getting close.
thursday july 4th, 2002
this is my weblog of sorts. it is available at two different url's, but since this update window is in an iframe you will get the same content wherever you look. i've made it the index at my web storage areas. members.austarmetro.com.au/~abwolf and lardlad.com/adam. right now i don't have a title. i'm open to suggestions.
my blog will be updated whenever i feel like it. i wont be giving you daily updates on what i'm eating but might give opinions on films or videos i've recently watched, music i'm listening to, or just rant about a current event. other times i may post images, photos, etc.
the background of this page is a really large pixellated image of me. bet you didn't pick that. this box is covering my face.
audiogalaxy has been gone for two weeks now. i haven't found a decent replacement and have really given up any hope of doing so. there was nothing better than the program in its time; even with blocking in place it shit all over competition. it amazes me that people used these alternate programs when audiogalaxy was still working. don't tell me which program you use and why i should use it, i want audiogalaxy.
Þetta mun vera nokkur að bloggunum hans.
Ég vona að þið hafið gaman af því sem ég skrifaði! :)