Ég downloadaði þessu modi inná empireatwar.filefront.com og ég er að reyna installa þessu inn í EaW FoC en ég þarf hjálp:S

það er sagt að ég eigi að extracta einhvern shortcut sem ég bara finn ekki? Veit einhver hvað á við? þetta er númer 4) sem að ég á við um. Takk fyrir..

1) Download the mod
2) create a mod folder in you Foc Folder ex-
(installation path)* \LucasArts\Star wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\mods
3) Extract the folder called “z3r0x” to the mod folder should look like this
ex- (installation path)*\LucasArts\Star wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\mods\z3r0x
4)extract the shortcut that is in the download to your desktop,right click and go to properties.[/i]
5) In the target box(of the shortcut that you extracted)it should say this
“(installation path)\*Lucasarts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\swfoc.exe” MODPATH=Mods\z3r0x
6)*IMPORTANT!!* now where i have said (installation path)* this mean that whereever you have installed the game ex “D:\Program Files” or whatever the default is “C:\Program Files” but if you installed Foc somewhere else then you must change that to the proper location
7) If you have done all the above steps correctly click “Apply”, then insert your Foc disk and click on the shortcut to start the mod.
Amroth Palantír Elensar