Magn frelsis er fengið frá “ Index of Economic Freedom and Economic Freedom of the World reports.”
Top 15 árið 2008:
1 Hong Kong 90
2 Singapore 87.1
3 Australia 82.6
4 Ireland 82.2
5 New Zealand 82
6 United States 80.7
7 Canada 80.5
8 Denmark 79.6
9 Switzerland 79.4
10 United Kingdom 79
11 Chile 78.3
12 Netherlands 77
13 Estonia 76.4
14 Iceland 75.9
15 Luxembourg 75.2
Topp 15 árið 2009:
1 Hong Kong 8.94
2 Singapore 8.57
3 New Zealand 8.28
4 Switzerland 8.2
5 United Kingdom 8.07
6 Chile 8.06
7 Canada 8.05
8 Australia 8.04
9 United States 8.04
10 Ireland 7.92
11 Estonia 7.89
12 Iceland 7.8
13 Denmark 7.78
14 Finland 7.69
15 Austria 7.66
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