Anarkó-Kapítalismi er ekki það sama og anarkismi, _allir_ anarkistar eru á móti kapítalisma sem þeir álíta kúgun og stigveldi (Hierarchy).
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Enn fremur:
„Anarchism is the maximization of human freedom. It does not mean chaos; rather, it is the abolition of rulers, and with them the government, hierarchy, and coercion that they carry. In its simplest sense, Anarchism is equality of power. Every individual is his or her own person, and no person may exert his or her will over another, save in self-defense. For, to do so would be to coerce - something that Anarchists are inherently against. In this way, Anarchism manages to create a collective community while at the same time respecting the sanctity of the individual. When you see or hear about Anarchists on the television, radio, or other forms of media, you are witnessing a global struggle for the abolition of all impediments to liberty; Anarchy does not mean “out of control.” Rather, it means “out of their control,” with “them” being the rulers, the plutocrats, the theocrats, the democrats, the aristocrats, and any oth
er governing body.“