Indridi :
Varðandi efnahaginn í Rússlandi, þá man ég núna hvar ég hafði sterkustu myndina af þessu.
Það var í breskum sjónvarpsþætti um byltinguna og árin á eftir og þar voru viðtöl við fólk sem allt hafði sömu söguna að segja hvernig efnahagurinn hafði farið upp hjá Lenín og síðan tók harðstjórn Stalíns við, með góðum efnahag líka en viðbjóðslegum aðferðum.
Svo auðvitað í sögubókunum.
Ég skoðaði linkinn þinn og ég man núna eftir þessu ástandi þarna í kringum borgarastyrjöldina, enda margar ástæður fyrir því, stríð, of mikill hraði á innleiðingunni og borgarastyrjöl.
En hinsvegar breytti Lenín stefnunni yfir í þessa NEP-stefnu sem virkaði mjög vel.
Því allt sem hann vildi
Stalín afnam hana svo.
Aðeins um þetta hér:
Lenin unilaterally ends the war with Germany. Russia descends into a three-year civil war between the “red” Bolsheviks and the “white” counterrevolutionary armies for control of the former empire.
The capital is moved to Moscow, and the Communist Party machine emerges from Bolshevik ranks.
The siege economy and state monopoly leaves production at a virtual standstill and the cities without food.
The triumphant Bolsheviks set about transforming the tsarist empire into a quasi-federation of states, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), established in 1922.
Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) restores certain aspects of a market economy and brings about a dramatic economic improvement.
In 1922 Joseph Stalin is appointed general secretary, and Lenin dies two years later.
Stalin overturns the NEP and begins the collectivization of agriculture.
Confiscation of private farms sparks widespread protests.
The First Five-Year Plan is passed in a program to modernize the USSR through forced industrialization.
Stalin uses terror backed by purges, show trials, executions, and mass deportations to the gulag to secure his rule.
His cult of personality becomes all-pervasive.
sjá nánar: untries/ru/ru_overview.html
og svo :
Lenin started bring his focus from communism in Russia to who would take over for him after his death. He did not just want one person he wanted a group of people to administer. At the end of 1922, Lenin delivered his “testament.” In his testament he explained what the Soviet government had done wrong. He said that it had started to become a dictatorship and that is was too complicated. He also said that it was Joseph Stalin’s fault that it had done this. But it was mostly that Lenin did not like Stalin because of his aggressiveness.
Lenin had his third stroke in March of 1923. After the stroke he was unable to speak. He was forced to return to his home in Moscow until he could get better. Unfortunately Lenin suffered his fourth and final stroke there. After his death there was a fierce power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky. Stalin would eventually win and become the leader of the Communist Party and all of the USSR.
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