Svo virðist sem EarthDawn er að eiga uppreisn æru þar sem Living Room Games Publishing hafa fengið útgáfu rétt á bókunum og ætlast til að fara að gefa þær aftur út. Yes!!
Dallas, TX - March 13, 1999 - Living Room Games announces it has acquired a license from FASA Corporation to publish supplements for the Earthdawn roleplaying game, reviving it from a 14-month moratorium. “We expect to print our first Earthdawn book in the spring of this year, with one or two others to follow in the summer. We're really excited about putting Earthdawn back in the hands of the fans,” said Jason Middleton, President
of Living Room Games. “The company is also in the process of publishing several other great games in the near future.”
Earthdawn has been described by many as a ‘post-apocalyptic fantasy roleplaying game.’ The people of Barsaive are still recovering from a globe-spanning holocaust brought on by the astral monstrosities known only as the Horrors. Players explore a world that teems with strange creatures and unseen dangers; a world of lost cities, of ancient, long-forgotten treasures, and indescribable wonders. In this age of legend, heroes rekindle the glory of days past and become the legends of tomorrow.
“We're quite pleased that Living Room Games will be keeping the world of Earthdawn alive and moving forward for the fans,” said Mort Weisman, CEO of FASA Corp. “We believe that they are seriously committed to producing quality game material.”

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