Character sheet kappanna:
Hrotti Svindl'Ari
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Size: Medium
Starting gold: 240+1000+250+1000+250+1000+1500+375+1500=7115
XP: 6875
Class: Fighter/rogue/ardent
Level: 2/1/1
HD: 2d10+2d6+12
Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 16 (+3) (4th lvl increase)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 8 (-1)
[human bonus feat] Combat reflexes
[1st lvl feat] Sidestep charge
[Fighter bonus feat] Dodge
[Fighter bonus feat] Weapon focus (warhammer)
[3rd level feat] Hold the line
Class abilities:
[Fighter] Bonus feats
[Rogue] Sneak attack 1d6, trapfinding
[Ardent] Assume psionic mantles (2)
[Ardent, mantle power] Ectopic form: Agile loper
[Ardent, mantle power] Psi. focus: +1 defl. bonus to AC
Fort: 6
Ref: 4
Will: 3
HP: 36
AC: 25 = 10+3(dex)+6(armour)+5(shield)+1(dodge)
BAB: +2
Calculated Melee AB: +3 (-2 due to tower shield/+5 with warhammer)
Calculated Ranged AB: +2 (-2 due to tower shield)
Concentration +4
Intimidate +6
Ride +5
Jump +5
Handle animal +5
Tumble +6
Spot +2
Longspear (5gp), Masterwork Warhammer (312gp), Dagger (2gp), Shield +1 (tower) (1130 gp), Chainmail +1 (1250gp), Crossbow, light (35 gp), bolts (1gp), potion of cure light wounds,(50) potion of aid (300)
Gp Remaining: 1196
Mantles known/granted power:
Construct mantle: Ectopic form
Astral construct
Force mantle: psi. focused +1 def. bonus to AC
Deflection field
Power points: 2
Chester the Molester
STR 14
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 8
Human Male Psychic Warrior 2 Hp 17 Ac 19 Intiative +3 Speed 30 fet.
Feats: Dodge, Psionic Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Link Power(Complete Psionic)
Concentration +7
Autohypnosis +7
Jump +6
Spot +5
Ride +6
Equipment: Chain Shirt (100), Heavy Wooden Shield (7), Masterwork Greatsword(350), Longspear, Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2(100), Dorje of Force Screen, Potion of Bull's Strength (300) Alchemist's Fire x5(100). Total gold earned: 1825, spent:1812
Powers Known: Expansion, Adrenaline Boost
Power Points: 4
Saves: 5/3/3
Einnig er ég búinn að eyða 100 gp í viðbót í Potions of CLW.
Chester er ungur maður í góðu formi. Hann er í kringum 180 sentímetra hár með þykkt svart hár. Augun eru djúpir svartir pyttar sem virðast bora inn í sál hvers sem mætir þeim. Á bakinu ber hann tvö vopn, stærðarinnar sverð og langspjót. Í belti ber hann þónokkuð margar flöskur af öllum gerðum og stærðum, sumar fullar aðrar ekki.
Jæja, byrjið á að tilgreina hvað þið notið prep roundin í og svo mun ég starta bardagan eftir það.
“I'm not young enough to know everything”