Hafiði lesið hinar greinarnar hans? Um Harry Potter, Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, Nornir. Þessi maður er stórfenglegur.
“Just a word about God's view of violence – GOD HATES THOSE WHO PROMOTE VIOLENCE. Look at Psalms 11:5 The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.”
Og þetta er tekið úr greininni um Magic. Hvað er ofbeldisfullt við Magic? Einnig er þetta afar kristilegt viðhorf!
Hér er quote úr PHB (2nd eða 3rd ég er ekki búinn að fletta því upp).
“… These evil creatures will certainly expect to loot, pillage, and rape freely at every chance, and kill (and probably eat) captives” (Players Handbood, p. 31).“
Þetta eru rökin fyrir því að fólk eigi ekki að vera í ”martial arts.
The Martial Arts are Violent
The very terms “martial arts” and “self-defense” should tip off the Christian that something is wrong. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians told to resort to violence in defense of themselves.2 Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, said about self-defense:
The Martial Arts are Man-Centered
When Christians take up the martial arts for self-defense, they are saying to God, “I don't trust You to protect me.” Christians are to depend on God for protection.
Einhyrningar hafa afar slæm áhrif á áhrifagjarnt ungviðið. Grein um Harry Potter.
“Unicorn – There is most certainly an element of sorcery related to this creature in the Harry Potter story because it is stated that if you drink its silvery blood, it will keep you alive for a limited time if you are near death. Unicorn hair is also used in Potter potions.”
Hvað vakir fyrir fólki? Hvað er það sem fær það til að skrifa þetta. Svona skoðanir sýna þröngsýni, ignorence og fordóma. Það er samt mjög gaman að lesa þetta, ég skemmti mér konunglega og átti góða kvöldstund yfir þessu rugli.
A day without sunshine is like… um… you know, night