Eftir að fylgjast með Slayers Anime seríunni, varð mér hálf bumbult að hugsa til hversu limited Sorcerers eru. Ok, fólk getur rifist um hver er underpowered, osfrv. og að vissu leiti eru Sorcerers minni en Wizards. Wizards geta lært galdra sí svona, uppúr einföldum scrolls og bætt við fleiri og fleiri göldrum í sinni frábæru galdrabók… Á meðan að Sorcerers fá galdra sína í gegnum levels og enda með mun færri galdra en hvaða Wizard sem er.
Ég kom mér upp um tímabundið MP system (sem ég á eftir að hugsa þó nokkuð útí) og datt í hug að senda inn frumritið hingað. Fleiri hlutir en Slayers þáttaröðin hafa haft áhrif á þessa hugmynd, og tekur það varla að lesa upp allann listann.
Jæja, hér er það (skrifa á ensku, þar sem að mér þykir mun þægilegra að skrifa hana):
Mana Power
Add up your total spells per day plus your spellcasting ability modifier (Cha for Sorcerers). The sum is your MP. For example a lvl 7 sorcerer with 16 in Cha would have a MP equal to 25 (6x lvl 0 spells, 6x lvl 1 spells, 6x lvl 2 spells, 4x lvl 3 spells and a +3 modifier (Cha) equaling to 6+6+6+4+3=25).
When casting a spell, deduct a number equal to the spell's level from your MP (cantrips/lvl 0 spells cost 1/2 MP).
Fx. a lvl 3 spells costs 3 in mana, whilst a lvl 8 spell costs 8.
100% MP: +1 to all saves, checks, attacks and damage. Concentration is at a +5 modifier.
90% MP: +1 to all saves and attacks.
20% MP: -1 to all saves and attacks.
10% MP: -2 to all saves and attacks. -1 to all checks and damage.
0% MP: -2 to all saves, checks, attacks, and damage. Concentration is at a -5 modifier
A caster can go beyong 0 in MP, but instead of deducting MP, the caster gains subdual damage equal to the MP loss. A caster who knocks him/herself out by tireing her MP, usually gains some special feature (like fx. white hair, longer nails, white-ened eyes, and so forth).
MP is recovered fully per a 8 hours of rest, and/or +1/per class level per hour.
Alternative rule: Divine Power (DP)
Clerics and druids may also use the MP rule, but with a slight variation. Unlike the Bard or Sorcerer, they still memorise, but with a twist. They ready spells like normal, but instead of having to ready a spell multiple times, they can only ready each spell once. When casting, they may cast those specific spells (reducing their DP as they do). Thus even if a cleric only prepares Harm once, he can cast it multiple times (as long as he has enogh Divine Power).
…ég vona að þessi DP regla sé ekki of ruglandi…
Non caster classes (fx. fighters and rogues) do not count has having 100% MP nor 0% MP (thus neither gain the pros or cons of MP). Semi casters (such as Paladins and Rangers) do not gain the benefits of having 100% MP, but do suffer the penalties of having lower MP (or DP for that matter). Semi casters gain 1/2 MP per hour/per caster level (if the MP recovery rule is used).
Special items:
Mana pearls are multicoloured pearls that add to the casters MP per day. They come in two types: The one-time used pearls (after their MP is used, they lose all their power) and the Continuous pearls (they regenerate their MP equal to 1 per 6 hours).
One-time pearl (+1 MP) 50gp
- - - MW (+2 MP) 150gp
Continuous pearl (+1 MP) 175gp
- - - MW (+2 MP) 400gp
Each pearl weighs 0.1 lbs, thus 10 weigh 1 lb. These pearls can be fitted onto a character's neck (as a necklace), as armbands, or any combination.
To balance Wizards to these modifications (as they still have to memorise and follow the normal rules), as a house rule they may cast an unmemorised spell from their spellbook, with a -4 to concentration. However, that specific spell takes four times longer to cast then.
Jæja, skoðanir? Hugmyndir? Hvað segiðu fólk?<br><br>Hellicat
-Make me Bad!