Hér er Nýr Ranger class gerður af members á wizard D&D boardinu.
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RANGER Core Class (Final)
HIT DIE: d10
SAVING THROWS: High Fortitude
The Ranger’s class skills are Animal Empathy (Cha, exclusive skill), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intuit Direction (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex), and Wilderness Lore (Wis).
WEAPON AND ARMOR PROFICIENCY: Rangers are proficient in all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armors, and with shields.
1st…. Track, Favored Bonus +1
2nd…. Trailblazing
3rd…. Favored Bonus +1
4th…. Soft Tread, Spells, Bonus Feat
5th…. Favored Bonus +1
6th…. Read Terrain
7th…. Favored Bonus +1
8th…. Survival
9th…. Favored Bonus +1
10th… Improved Track
11th… Favored Bonus +1
12th… Improved Soft Tread
13th… Favored Bonus +1
14th… Favored Bonus +1
16th… Favored Bonus +1
17th… Favored Bonus +2
19th… Favored Bonus +2
20th… Favored Bonus +2
TRACK: At 1st level a ranger gains the track feat for free.
FAVORED BONUS: At various levels the ranger gains bonus points which may be applied to either of the following abilities. He may distribute the points however he chooses, however unused points are lost. The ranger can never have more than six Favored Bonuses, unless he takes the Extra Favored Bonus Feat, and no bonus may be greater than +5.
-FAVORED ENEMY: +1 bonus to armor class OR damage (decided on the ranger’s initiative each round), Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore Checks against one type of enemy (see list in PHB). Each time the ability is taken a new enemy may be selected or a previous bonus may be increased by +1.
-FAVORED TERRAIN: +5 ft. bonus to move speed, +1 bonus to Reflex Save, Hide, Intuit Direction, Move Silently, Listen, Search, Spot, and Wilderness Lore Checks in one of the following terrain types: Aquatic, Arctic, Desert, Forest, Mountains, Plains, Subterranean, and Swamps. The favored terrain movement bonus applies to movement on foot, and is 5 feet per +1 on a specific terrain (i.e. a +3 bonus to forests would add 15 feet to the ranger's base speed in a forest). This movement bonus overlaps (does not stack with) the Barbarian and Monk fast movement. Each time the ability is taken a new terrain may be selected or the existing bonus increased by +1.
TRAILBLAZING: At 2nd level a ranger is particularly adept at finding the best route through trackless terrain. He may make a Wilderness Lore Check to reduce travel time. A check result of 15 or better improves travel time by 25%. A check of 25 or better improves travel time by 50%. The movement bonus can never be increased by more than the amount a road would allow. (see Table 9-5: Terrain and Overland Movement, PHB page 143).
SOFT TREAD: A 4th level ranger can make a Wilderness Lore Check (DC 15) to add +5 to the DC to track him when moving at full speed. He need only make one successful check per day and may retry every 4 hours.
SPELLS: At 4th level the ranger gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells (same spells and progression as the PHB).
BONUS FEAT: The ranger may take one of the following feats: Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Extra Favored Enemy, Favored Focus, Great Fortitude, Quickdraw, Run, Skill Focus, Toughness, and Weapon Focus (any).
READ TERRAIN: A 6th level ranger can gain information about events by studying the terrain on which they took place. This requires at least one minute and functions similarly to a Gather Information check. The Wilderness Lore difficulty is set by the terrain and all normal tracking modifiers apply to it. He is also entitled to a Wilderness Lore Check to notice any tracks within 10 ft of him (DC as usual).
SURVIVAL: At 8th level a ranger can use his Wilderness Lore Skill more effectively than before. By adding +10 to the DC of his Wilderness Lore check he can provide food and water while moving at his full movement rate. Likewise he can give himself and companions a +3 bonus to Fortitude saves while moving and a +6 bonus while stationary against severe weather. The number of companions affected by both abilities is calculated as if the DC were 10 higher (DC 20 to get along in the wild, DC 25 for the higher Fort bonus). The previous level of bonus still applies as long as the prior DCs are met (regular uses of Wilderness Lore do not fail if the new higher DC is not met).
IMPROVED TRACK: At 10th level a ranger may take 10 while tracking even at full speed (double move). He may also track while running (quadruple speed) at a +10 penalty to the Wilderness Lore check.
-IMPROVED SOFT TREAD: At 12th level a ranger treats all ground upon which he walks as though it were Hard (DC 20). Additionally he may treat the ground that 6+ Wis modifier companions walk upon as though it were Firm (DC 15) by succeeding at a Wilderness Lore Check DC 20 +1 per companion.
NEW RANGER FEATS: These are ranger exclusive feats that may be selected by the ranger as his bonus feat or in place of any feat acquired in the process of normal level advancement.
-EXTRA FAVORED BONUS: A ranger may select this feat at any time. He gains a +1 bonus to one existing favored bonus, plus a new Favored Enemy or Favored Terrain at +1. The new bonus does not count toward his limit of 6 favored bonuses. The ranger may take this feat more than once.
-FAVORED FOCUS: A ranger may select this feat at any time. The ranger gains the ability to negate an amount of his opponent's armor bonus to AC equal to his favored enemy bonus against that opponent. For example, a ranger with a +2 favored enemy bonus against orcs can negate 2 points of armor the orc is wearing (effectively lowering the orc's armor class). He can negate both natural and manufactured armors. The ability provides no benefit against an unarmored opponent and can never negate more armor bonus than the opponent has. He can only apply his favored bonus to one of the three options (damage, armor class, or armor negation) each round and it must be designated on his initiative each round.