Vercin heard a sound coming from the street, and soon after a dark figure turned down into the alley. “Geez could you be anymore supicious looking.” Said the figure and took of it's hood. It was the halfling. “Well if you would have showed up on time i wouldn't be waiting here.” Vercin said in his cold voice. “All right all right, let's just going.” the halfling said witha yawn.

The halfling led Vercin down the alley, and at it's end was a wooden door. “Go in here and tell them Fuzzie sent you.” the halfing said with a gloat on his face. “Fuzzie! HAHAHA don't tell me that's what you call yourself.” Said Vercin in cyniscis tone. “Yea that's what i call myself and is there something wrong with that.” Said Fuzzie trying to be frightening. “Oh no, nothing wrong with that FUZZIE.” said Vercin and walked through the door laughing, leaving the halfling behind.

What greeted Vercin on the other side of the door were numerous not-so-freindly characters. He was standing in a room lit up by a big fireplace wich was in the middle of the room. Around it were pillows and things alike and sitting on them were a dozen shady figures. Four of wich were cloaked humans, each of them jumped up from their slumber when Vercin entered the room and drew their blades. “Who in the nine hells are you and what do you think your doing, barging in here like that.” said one of the four , most certainly the leader. The other people in the room now arose and drew their blades and loaded their crossbow. There was complete silence for a while but then Vercin started to laugh in low tones like raving madman. “You fools, you have just insured your deaths.” he said and slowly lifted his head. The people in the room felt as if like a hand punctured their chest and clenched their hearts when they saw Vercin's face, His eyes flaming and in his hand, to their surprise was a huge greatsword. “You puny insects have made a huge mistake in being so bold to threaten me, and you will pay with you lives for your foley.” he spoke and in one swift movement swung the huge blade in semi circle, cutting through two misfortuned humans standing infront of him. Cutting their bodys in two. The others panicly steped back , tripping over the pillows. Vercin stepped forward, holding his blade in front of him.The enjoyment in his face was obvious, he clearly enjoyed killing these people he had no dispute with.
Now holding his blade in one hand, he swung it again and again it struck.
After a while all the people in the room were dead, Vercin stood over their bodys and laughed in low tones. Holding his blade in one hand while it's tip rested on the ground, in his other hand was the statue he had came here for, which he had found on one of the bodys. In one fluid movement he put his blade in it's harness, and walked out.

When he came out Fuzzie was still there. He looked at Vercin with terror in his face and then wildly ran away.

Vercin swung his cloak around himself and walked away and heading to Elaria's estate.

and once again it will be continued….