SMG segjir að þetta sé ekki réttt, en á þýsku síðunni er bara viðtal við Joss sem að hann segjir Britney will be on Buffy, en síðan ekkert meir, ekki nema bara 2 sekúndur, þannig að hann gæti verið að vera kaldhæðin eða eitthvað svoleiðis……maður getur alla vega vonað:
Sarah, is it true Britney Spears will have some episodes of Buffy next season?
SMG: No, not true at all. It's really funny because somebody gave me a bunch of internet rumors the other day and I found myself, every one was no, not true, never happened, nope. Unfortunately, it's hard to govern certain aspects of the Internet and so once something is put out there, it's often taken as fact without being fact. It's hard to discern between the truth and the fiction of fans from the others. Our Internet fans, our true fans that have been on the Internet and on the website and helped create all that, that kept our show on the air. We are so grateful to them and part of that I think is what makes our show cool. We love the fact that we're like the underdogs. At least I do. I shouldn't talk for the producers because they disagree with me fully on the awards topic but I love the fact that we never win the awards. I think it's great that we're critically acclaimed and the audience loves our show. We do our show for the audience and the people that watch the show, not for a voting panel of people we've never met. We're honored by that aspect of it. Spikesgirl