Hann var að biðja um sál. Það fer ekki á milli mála - höfundarnir hafa gefið út þá yfirlýsingu. Þeir voru vísvitandi óljósir svo að þetta með sálina kæmi á óvart en það er engin spurning að það er það sem hann vildi.
Ég hélt reyndar líka þegar ég sá þáttinn að hann væri að biðja um eitthvað annað en svo er víst ekki:
J: I love Spike. I was very worried about the attempted rape… because that's not something you play around with. That's not something… it's very hard to come back from. And you know, you can say Luke and Laura came back from it, but that was a different time. I think we have to be very careful that we are not saying anything about humans. When we say that Spike looked into his soul, at that moment, and saw the demon in him and that's what made him want to go get a soul.
C: Ok, ok, this is good. Thank you for going here.
J: Yes in my mind, we did a big ole mislead on you all. Where we wanted you to think he gonna go get the chip. We knew, the whole time, from the very beginning he was gonna go get a soul. And when he says I want Buffy to have what she deserves, he means a lover with a soul. Very vague and if we are vague, we're vague for a reason. </i>
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*Evil things have plans. They have things to do!*