The ‘Velma’ of the Scooby Gang, Willow Rosenberg is the most loyal friend a Slayer could ask for.
Willow’s shy nature and constant optimism are only two of the qualities that make her the sweetie of the gang.
She has exhibited excellent computer skills and a talent for hacking into places such as The Coroners Office, and, later, more complex things like The Initiative.
“So all the city plans are just open to the public?”
“Uh, well, in a way. I sort of stumbled onto them when I accidentally…decrypted the city council’s security system.”
“Someone’s been naughty…”
(Giles, Willow and Xander. “The Harvest”)
Willow has been best friends with Xander since early childhood, and over the years she had developed a strong crush on him. Xander, though, doesn’t see that she loves him in a more-friends-way. And he constantly hurt her with his obvious attraction to Buffy.
“Love Sucks. Ever since I was in grammar school, it’s the same old dance…you dig someone, they dig someone else. And then that someone else digs someone else.”
“That’s the dance”
“I mean, I’m right for her. I’m the guy. I know it. She’s so stupid! She’s not stupid. But…it’s too much. We’re such good buds, I’m this close to her, and she doesn’t have a clue how I feel. A wouldn’t care if she did. It’s killing me.”
“Gee, what’s that like?”
(Xander and Willow. “Angel” chopped scene)
Willow tries to find someone else to fill the empty, Xander-shaped space in her heart. Temporarily disheartened when the one guy she thought she was cyber-dating turned out to be a demon.
“Well, you know, I have a choice. I can spend my life waiting for Xander to go out with every girl in the world before he notices me, or I can just get on with my life.”
“Good for you.”
“Well, I didn’t choose yet.”
(Willow and Buffy. “Inca Mummy Girl”)
Willow’s luck finally changed when she met Oz. (“What’s My Line”)
“Well, I like you. You’re nice and you’re funny. And yeah, okay, werewolf, but that’s not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I’m not much fun to be around either.”
When it came, Oz’s smile was wide. “You are quite the human.”
“So I’d still if you’d still.”
“I’d still,” Oz nodded for emphasis. “I’d very still.”
“Okay,” Willow thought for a second. “No biting though.”
“Agreed,” Oz said.
Satisfied, Willow hugged her books and stepped past him. She could feel him watching her as she left- -so she turned back, took three quick steps and, enjoying his puzzled expression, kissed him full on the mouth.
(Words by Yvonne Navarro. “The Willow Files vol. 1”)
When Willow’s favourite teacher, Miss Calendar was murdered, Willow took over teaching her computer class.
Over the next few weeks, Willow spent a lot of time browsing Miss Calendars pagan sites and reading about magic. So when Buffy and Willow found the computer disk with the ritual to restore Angel’s soul, Willow was eager to try it.
“Well, I've been going through her files and, and researching the black arts, for fun, or educational fun, and I may be able to work this.”
“W-Willow… channeling… such potent magicks through yourself, it could open a door that you may not be able to close.”
“I don't want you putting yourself in any danger, Will.”
“And I don't want danger. Big ‘no’ to danger, but I may be the best person to do this.”
(Willow, Giles and Buffy. “The Becoming part 1”)
Unfortunately whilst preparing to perform the restoration, the library was attacked by Angelus's lackeys. Willow suffered a nasty blow to the head, and fell into a coma.
When she finally woke (Xander said “I love you” and Willow woke up calling for Oz), she attempted the spell again, this time succesfully. (though, unfortunately not in time) Over the summer that Buffy ran away, Willow began studying Wicca, even attempting a few spells on her own
“Well, you know, I tried the spell to cure Angel, and I guess that was a bust. But since then, you know, small stuff: floating feather, fire out of ice, which next time I won't do on the bedspread.”
(Willow. “Faith, Hope and Trick”)
Under Giles’ watchful eye, Willow became quite a spellcaster, her powers coming in handy several times throughout the year.
As Willow survives graduation alongside Buffy, and the rest of the Scooby Gang, we see what kind of kindred spirits these two outsiders have become. We expect their incredible bond will continue- why else would they give up top of the line colleges for a little-known school in a place also known as the Hellmouth?
(“The Official Cinescape Yearbook 1999”)
Willow fit right in at UC Sunnydale. Attending every on campus events and becoming roomies with Buffy.
In the sixth week, though, Oz had a brief, unintentional fling with a female werewolf named Veruca. He realised that he couldn’t control the wolf inside him and that the best thing for Willow’s safety would be for him to leave town.
Willow was understandibly, heartbroken. Oz was her first real boyfriend, and she missed him sorely. After a few weeks of moping, that included a spell to have her will done (she wanted to will Oz to come home, the poor thing!) that went really wrong, Willow attended an on-campus Wiccan meeting where she met Tara, an extremely shy and very powerful Witch.
While Buffy devoted all her time to new boyfriend, Riley, Willow spent much of her time with Tara. Their friendship eventually blossomed into love and for the first time since Oz left Willow was truly happy again.
In “New Moon Rising” Oz came home. After travelling and learning of ways to control his werewolf side, he believed he was mostly cured. This news was both wonderful and bad for Willow, who became confused about her feelings for Tara.
“We were just talking. Nothing happened.”
“Oh.(Pause) ”Really?“
(Willow nods.)
”But, you know, it was intense. Just talking. We have a lot to talk about. I kinda feel like my head's gonna explode.“
”Whatever, you know, happens … I'll still be here. I'll still be your friend.“
”Of course we'll be friends! That's not even a question.“
”But I'm saying, I know what Oz means to you.“
”How can you, when I'm not even sure? I mean, I know what he meant to me. But he left, and… everything changed. I changed, and… then we-“
”(Willow begins to cry) I don't know. I just - life was starting to get so good again, and - (moves closer to Tara) You're a big part of that. And here comes the thing I wanted most of all, and… I don't know what to do, I … I wanna know, but I don't.
(Tara brushes the tears off Willow's cheek.)
“Do what makes you … h-h-happy.
(Willow hugs her. Tara strokes Willow's hair.)
When Oz found out about Tara, he flew off the handles and realised that he really couldn’t control his wolfie side, because the one thing that brings it out of him is Willow.
”I shouldn't have come back now…. I just thought I'd changed.“
”You have changed. You stopped the wolf from coming out. I saw it.“
”But I couldn't look at you. (He still can't.) I mean, it turns out… the one thing that brings it out in me is you… which falls under the heading of ironic in my book.“
”It was my fault. I upset you.“
(He finally looks at her.)
”Well, so we're safe then, (sarcastic) cause you'll never do that again. But… you're happy?“
”I am. I can't explain it-“
”It may be safer for both us us if you don't.“
”I missed you, Oz. I wrote you so many letters… but I didn't have any place to send them, you know? I couldn't live like that.“
”It was stupid to think that you'd just be… waiting.“
I was waiting. I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like if I'm old and blue-haired, and I turn the corner in Istanbul and there you are, I won't be surprised. Because… you're with me, you know?”
“I know. But now is not that time, I guess.
(Willow shakes her head)”No.“
(They look at each other.)
”What are you gonna do?“
”I think I better take off.“
”Pretty much now.“
(Willow begins to cry again. Oz leans over and they hug.)
With that said, Oz leaves town, presumably for good this time. And Willow returns to Tara.
”I have to tell you…“
”No, I-I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love.“
(Willow smiles) ”I am.“
”You mean…“
”I mean. Okay?“
”Oh, yes.“
”I feel horrible about everything I put you through. A-and I'm gonna make it up to you. Starting right now.“
It is unknown about the future of Tara and Willow’s relationship. Willow is currently in her second year of college.
”Willow. Young people respond so much to Willow, because so many people see themselves as her. Young girls who are scientifically oriented, or they're into math, and they're always on the sidelines. What I love so much about Willow is that she maintains that, she keeps that. It's not that all of a sudden Willow becomes a glamour girl for having known Buffy- she is the same Willow, but all her strengths come out thanks to this friend of hers. Her loyalty, her brilliance, her cuteness, her everything comes out because she has been empowered by her friend. I love Willow's character, I love what's going on with her and Xander, and Oz- it feels real to me. I love the fact that she's Jewish-I can't recall ever having a Jewish character on television that isn't portrayed in some steriotypical way. For me that is very helpfull to say to my daughter: Willow's Jewish.“
(Buffy executive producer, Gail Berman, on her favourite character. ”The Watchers Guide")
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