Episode: “Passion”
In the scene where Buffy and Joyce are eating dinner, look over Joyce's right shoulder at the picture behind her head. It's a publicity photo of Sarah Michelle Gellar that has appeared in the August ‘97 issue of Entertainment Weekly.
In the scene where Angel comes to kill Ms. Calendar, you can see the word FAT on the blackboard in big capital letters. - Submitted By: Invisible Boy
Episode: “Surprises”
In the opening scene at the Bronze, Willow speaks to the monkey in French, saying: “l´hippo a piqué ton pantalon.” This translates to: “The hippo stole your pants.” This would be in reference to Oz’s rant at the end of “What's My Line (Part 2)”, where he discusses the pants of monkeys (all of which are French) and the hippo's jealousy over this.
In the opening scene, Dru stakes Angel and then he turns to dust and dies. Did you see that when his hand was disappearing, a ring dropped from his finger? Yeah, doesn't it look like the one Angel gave Buffy on the dock, or is it just a coincidence?
When Ms. Calender walks into the Bronze (Where Buffy's Party was) holding a box. But, did you notice that when she walked in, she said: “Can someone give me a hand? The box contained one of the hands of the Judge!
Episode: ”What's My Line (Part 1)“
Look at the last Kendra/Buffy scene: the one where Kendra is about to get into the taxi. What the viewer sees shifts back and forth between an ”over-Kendra's-shoulder-and-looking-at-Buffy“ shot to an ”over-Buffy's-shoulder-and-looking-at-Kendra“ shot. And each time the view changes, something interesting happens…Kendra's BRAID! The braid is over Kendra's right shoulder when we're looking at Buffy, but, when we see Kendra, the braid isn't over her shoulder, it's behind her. This happens again, and again, and again…until Kendra gets into the cab. Then, her braid is over her LEFT shoulder–and Kendra NEVER TOUCHED HER HAIR THE WHOLE TIME! Also, watch Buffy's necklace every time the view changes. At first, the necklace is caught on the right side of Buffy's jacket, but, as the shot shifts, Buffy's necklace MYSTERIOUSLY RIGHTS ITSELF! - Submitted By: Salatina
Episode: ”Lie to Me“
The movie playing on the tv's that Ford lip-synchs to is ”Dracula“, a 1973 made-for-TV movie starring Jack Palance as Count Dracula.
If you watch closely at the lenght of Buffy's hair when she was fighting the vampire in the alley behind the bronze (Where Ford is whatching her) you'll see that it is too long to be hers (About 4 inches below should lenght). However, after she dusts the vamp and turns around to face Ford, her hair ends roughly at shoulder level. Infact, the longer hair belongs to her stunt double, Sophia Crawford.
Episode: ”Halloween“
The van that Oz is driving at the end of the episode has its steering wheel located on the right side.
After Giles tells Willow to leave when he confronts Ethan, you can see Willow bump into curtain and hear her close the door, despite the fact that she's an intangible ghost.
On the halloween special, when Xander is about to get beat up by Larry, and buffy tells him to ”get gone,“ she ”saves a dollar“ and gets a Diet Dr Pepper out of the machine. but if you look on the machine, there is no button for a Diet Dr.Pepper. - Submitted By: Da Slayer
Episode: ”Some Assembly Required“
If you looked carefully, none of the three pictures that Eric develops match the shots that he took at School. In Buffy's Picture there was no guy walking down the stairs right behind her with a striped-shirt, but in the Picture Eric developes, there is. When Eric took a picture of Willow, she was looking down at her clipboard, so the one developed was different. In the Pictures that Eric developed, Cordelia was looking into the camera, but in the real picture, Cordy's eyes were aimed away from the camera for the first two shots, then her hand covered her face for the remaining shots that Eric took with his camera.
This was the first Episode where Angel revealed that he was 241 years old.
The scene where Jenny and Giles were in the stands. Look for a curly haired guy next to them trying to avoid from looking at the camera. Does he look familiar to you? Last year he was one of the 14 finalists for the ”Real World: Boston"