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Þátturinn : “The Becoming Part 2”
Spike smokes a cigarette, but really this is impossible because vampires don't have breath.
When Angel tries to kill Buffy, she catches the sword; if you look closely, her hand is in the middle of the sword. Then there is a shot at Angel, then to Buffy again; if you look where her hands are this time, they are at the end of the sword not at the middle where they where before. She hadn't moved her hand because we didn't see Angel's arm move, so it must have been a Hollywood camera trick. They could've taped that sequence backwards, where Buffy's hands would open up and the sword would come out, then they played it backwards during the editing session.
Spike suffocates Dru to be able to bring her away. If vamps can't breathe, why would she pass out. Also, when he picks up Dru, her arm is at her side. In the next shot, it is on Spike's shoulder. As well, when Buffy and Angel are in the mansion when he has her cornered, light is shining on skin. Wouldn't this burn him?
When he and Buffy kiss at the end of the ep, Buffy is wearing her necklace, yet it doesn't burn him like it did in the ep Angel.
How does Buffy know that Drusilla (personally) killed Kendra? How does she know that Whistler is “an immortal demon sent to preserve the balance between good and evil”? That's a bit too accurate to be a guess.
f Acathla was killed by a (European) knight centuries ago, how does its tomb come to be buried in California?
Þátturinn : “The Becoming Part 1”
It's been stated several times that Angel is 241 years old. This would mean he was born around 1757. However, right at the beginning of the episode we see Angel being made into a vampire, and the year is given as 1753! Of course, if you've been around a couple of centuries, I can see how you could lose a decade or two.
In preparation for the ceremony to give Angel his soul, they need an orb of Thesula, and Giles was using one as a paper weight. This is a direct crack at the comment made by the shopowner in Passion who said “new agers” were using them for that very purpose.
In Becoming, when Buffy finds the disk, Willow turns to the computer and talks about going through Miss Calenders bookmarks. But in Passion, Angel threw her computer off the desk and it caught on fire. I don't think that hard drive would be recoverable, do you? On Becoming Part 1, they showed how Angel became a vampire. Right after Darla said, “Close your eyes.” and he falls for it. At the end of Becoming Part 2 before he is sucked into hell, Buffy says, “Close your eyes.” Is that a coincidence or what? I can't believe he fell for it…TWICE.
Þátturinn : “I Only Have Eyes For You”
After Buffy has re-entered the wasp-surrounded Sunnydale High, Giles and the others return to the campus and stand in front of the school. The far shot you see of them standing, staring at the wasps, is the exact same shot used earlier in the episode, after they have just escaped the wasp invasion. You can tell that this is the same shot by the way Giles is standing, and by the fact that you can see Buffy's legs if you look really closely.
In the Episode, I only have eyes for you when Buffy shoots Angel there's blood on his hand but there's no blood on his shirt or a hole.
Þátturinn : “Killed By Death”
Before Buffy sees the Kindestod, you see a close-up of the clock change from 2:26 to 2:27. We then get a further shot, this time with Buffy's face in the foreground. During this shot, the clock reads 2:15.
When Buffy is in the hospital in the scene right after she sees Kindestod, you see her get up to go to the hallway. The first shot is from behind her, and you can see the I.V. cord coming from her hand, then you see her from the front, but when it goes back to behind, she gets up and there is no cord. But how can this be if you don't se her take it off until a few minutes later?