Hérna er ég búinn að tína saman nokkur æðisleg quote úr þáttunum í fyrstu syrpu:
Cordelia: “It's in the bad side of town.”
Buffy: “Where's that?”
Cordelia: “It's about half a block from the good side of town. We don't have a whole lot of town here.”
Xander: “I laugh in the face of danger - then I hide until it goes away.”
Buffy: “Mom, I accepted that you've had sex. I'm not ready to know you had Farrah hair.”
Joyce: “This is Gidget hair. Don't they teach you anything in history?”
Giles: “You were right all along, about everything….Well, no, you weren't right about your mother coming back as a Pekingese.”
Buffy að lýsa því hvernig hausinn á Ms. French fór í hring eins og í myndinni The Exorcist:
Buffy: “We're talking full-on Exorcist twist.”
Xander að lýsa því hvernig honum finnist að búa á Hellmouth:
Xander: “Oh, this is fun. We're on Monster Island.”
Þegar Buffy var að rífast við Giles um það á hversu óhentugum tíma spádómurinn um “The Anointed One” átti að uppfyllast af því að Buffy var á leiðinni á stefnumót sama kvöld:
Giles: “All right, I'll just drop in my time machine, go back to the twelfth century, and ask the vampires to postpone their ancient prophecy for a few days while you take in dinner and a show.”
Buffy: “Okay, at this point, you're abusing sarcasm.”
Buffy að reyna að segja Giles það að hún vildi líka lifa lífinu þrátt fyrir köllun sína:
Buffy: “Clark Kent had a job.”
Þegar Xander var að velta því fyrir sér af hverju það kviknaði allt í einu í Amber á klappstýruæfingu:
Xander: “So Amber has this power to make herself be on fire. Like the Human Torch, only it hurts.”
Xander við Buffy: “Angel is a vampire. You're the Slayer. I think it's obvious what you have to do.”
Þegar Giles neitar að viðurkenna að það er eitthvað að Xander í “The Pack”, þá vísar Buffy í efasemdamanneskjuna Scully úr X-files.
Buffy: “I cannot believe that you of all people are trying to Scully me.”
Þegar Jenny og Giles lenda í einu af mörgum BækurVsTölvur rifrildi:
Jenny: “I know our ways are strange to you, but soon you will join us in the twentieth century – with three whole years to spare!”
Þegar Buffy, Xander og Giles voru að ræða um undarlega hegðun Willow og Dave í “I Robot, You Jane”, þá vitnar Buffy í köngulóarmanninn:
Buffy: “I can just tell something's wrong. My Spider-sense is tingling.”
Einn sem er ekki í fyrstu syrpu í þætti sem heitir “What's my line? Part 1”:
Cordelia: “I can't even believe you. You drag me out of bed for a ride? What am I, mass transportation?”
Xander: “That's what a lot of the guys say. But it's just locker-room talk. I never pay it any mind.”
Cordelia: “Great, so now I'm your taxi and you punching bag.”
Xander: “I like to think of you as my witless foil – but have it your way….Come on, Cordelia. You wanna be a member of the Scooby Gang, you gotta be willing to be inconvenienced now and then.”
Cordelia: “Oh, right. ‘Cause I lie awake at night hoping you tweekos will be my best friends. And that my first husband will be a balding, demented homeless man.”
Þegar Snyder minntist á forvera sinn:
Snyder: “That’s the kind of woolly-headed liberal thinking that leads to getting eaten.”
The Master: “So you're the Slayer. You're prettier than the last one.”
Cordelia: “Being this popular is not just my right, it's my responsibility.”
Minnir þetta þig á Lost in Space?:
Buffy: “Monsters don't usually send messages. It's pretty much ‘Crush! Kill! Destroy!’”
Og svo var það þessi snilldarlega setning hjá Xander þegar Giles bað hann um að vera rólegann:
Xander: "Calm may work for Locutus of Borg here, but I'm freaked and I intend to stay that way.
Ó, ekki var það meira í bili, vona að ykkur líki greinin.