Það væri gaman að sjá hvað ykkur finnst best við Buffy og Angel og núna er ég með smá könnun.
Uppáhalds persóna: Angel/Angelus
Fallegsta persóna: Buffy
Fyndnasta persóna: Anya, Angelus
Uppáhalds Big bad: Angelus
Uppáhalds sería í Buffy: 2 sería
Uppáhalds sería í Angel: 3 sería
Uppáhalds bardaga atriði: Angel gengið berst við The Beast
Hvor er betra Buffy eða Angel: Angel
Uppáhalds þættir af Buffy:
1. Sería - Top 5
1. Prophecy girl
2. Angel
3. Nightmares
4. The pack
5. The Harvest
2. Sería
1. Becoming
2. Passion
3. I only have eyes for you
4. Innocence(Uppáhalds þáttur Joss Whedon)
5. Surprise
3. Sería
1. Graduation day
2. The Wish
3. Enemies
4. Revelations
5. Lovers walk
4. Sería
1. Hush
2. Primeval
3. Yoko factor
4. Fear itself
5. This years girl
5. Sería
1. The Gift
2. Spiral
3. Tough love
4. Fool for love
5. Crush
6. Sería
1. Two to go
2. Bargaining
3. Once more with a feeling
4. Villians
5. Grave
7. Sería
1. Chosen
2. Bring on the night
3. Showtime
4. Conversations with dead people
5. Storyteller
Bestu Buffy þættirnir
1. Becoming
2. The Gift
3. Chosen
4. Graduation day
5. Hush
Verstu Buffy þættirnir
1. Double meat palace
2. Inca mummy girl
3. Teachers pet
4. Killed by death
5. Living conditions
Bestu Angel þættirnir:
1. Sería
1. To Shanshu in LA
2. I´we got you under my skin
3. Somnambulist
4. Five by Five
5. City of
2. Sería
1. Reunion
2. Redefination
3. The trial
4. Reprise
5. Darla
3. Sería
1. Sleep tight
2. Lullaby
3. Forgiving
4. Quikening
5. A new world
4. Sería
1. Rain of fire
2. Habeas corpses
3. Soulless
4. Salvage
5. Deep down
Bestu Angel þættirnir
1. Rain of fire
2. Sleep tight
3. Reunion
4. Lullaby
5. To shanshu in LA
Verstu Angel þættirnir
1. Provider
2. Fredless
3. She
4. Supersymmetry
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