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Svo að þessi hluti er tileinkaður Zweistein ;) Til hamingju með það! :D

- Part two – Part three

Ella Gella knew exactly what to do. She grabbed the phonebook again and looked up Hell. And then, without a blink, she dialed the number no one was supposed to dial.
„Hell inc. How can I help you?“ a fawning voice said into the phone.
„He…He…Hello, is this at Hell?“ Ella Gella asked in a shaky voice.
„Yes, that is what I said, How can I help you?“ the fawning voice said.
„Yes, I’m, I’m looking for Michelle, Michelle Blake. Is she…there?“ Ella Gella said.
„OK, wait a minute, I’ll look it up.“ There was a silence and Ella Gella bit her fingernails in anxiousness. „Michelle Blake, you said. Yes she is here…should I put you through or what?“ the fawning voice said.
„Yes, I suppose, I can talk to her that way, can’t I? Put me through,“ Ella Gella said and took a deep breath.
„As you wish,“ the fawning voice said, „You’re very lucky, visiting hours are not very common here. You have one hour!“ Ella Gella heard laughter and then everything around her faded. She felt like she was being squeezed through a metal tunnel filled with spider webs and everything went black. (I’m laughing right know, just ought you should know, I’m thinking of Harry Potter and some…hihi…this is fun!)

Bang! “Ouch!” „Michelle!“ „Marcus, get of me!“ „No it’s me, Ella Gella!“ Michelle stared at her. „Ella, is that really you? (Michelle was the only one who called her Ella) You aren’t, are you…dead?“ she said. Ella Gella looked at her and smiled „No of course I’m not. I’m here to tell you what really happened. Visiting hours, something! Where should I begin? OK. As you know, considering the fact he is sitting beside you right now, you know that Marcus is dead. And you are too. But he wasn’t the one who murdered you.“ She looked at Michelle and Marcus and saw that they both blushed and didn’t look at each other. But they were both looking at her with a sneer of confusness and a sneer of curiosity. „Well, we had already figured that one out,“ Michelle said. Marcus looked at her.
„Did you believe me, after all?“ he said. He sounded confused.
„Yes, of course I did,“ Michelle said in a firm but a low voice. Then they looked each other in the eyes and both smiled. Ella Gella cleared her throat to get their attention and Michelle looked at her.
„But if it wasn’t Marcus, then who was it?“ Michelle asked.
„Well, I can answer that question. But there is a lot of other questions and answers I have for you, so please do not interrupt me while I’m speaking, because I only have one hour. This is very important for your and my future. Are you OK with this?“ Ella Gella said. Both Marcus and Michelle nodded in agreement. And so Ella Gella started to tell her story. „It all began when we were plotting one day at work. The discussion was how to get Marcus’s money. If I had knew that it would lead to all this tragic events I would never have co-operated. But I did and that is that. Anyway, when you ran away from Marcus with all his money, I was sure that he hated you and that is why I wasn’t that surprised when he killed you. And the killer knew that no one would be. Except for Marcus himself, because he knew he loved Michelle and could never kill her. It was a brilliant plan I have to admit. But Sophia is indeed a very smart woman!“ And now I need to switch over to Icelandic for a moment. Marcus og Michelle supu hveljur. Og nú byrjar enskan aftur. This was exactly the reaction Ella Gella had expected so she was well prepared and continued without being disturbed. „She disguised herself so she would look exactly like Marcus and then she went to your apartment and killed you. And so Marcus wouldn’t tell everyone he hadn’t done it she went to the palace and brainwashed him. She made him believe he had done it. And then she ran away. And as if it wasn’t enough evil she continued her evil doings. She pretended to be on a business trip so she couldn’t be reach and that gave her an alibi. But what she was really doing was seducing you.“ She pointed at Marcus. „She had a plan and that plan was to get more money out of you. But she didn’t assume that you would fall in love again and get married.“ Michelle, who had been holding Marcus’s hand, let go of it. „She didn’t assume that you would meet Esther.“
„Esther?“ Michelle said and looked at Marcus and disappointment shone from her eyes. Marcus looked her straight into the eyes and said with a firm voice: „Yes, Esther!“
„But why her, you knew she was a good friend of mine, why?“ Michelle said and looked at him confused, surprised and sad. But Marcus didn’t get the chance to answer because Ella Gella had cleared her throat again and wanted attention. They both looked at her and she continued. „As Marcus got married, Sophia knew she couldn’t make him cheat on his wife because Marcus is indeed very true to his bounds. So she grabbed the first chance she got. She was in a mall and she saw Marcus. She ran to him and brainwashed him again. She made him believe that he was in love with her and wanted to give her the whole world. But it had to be kept as a secret because he was married. And then the affair began.“ Marcus looked down. He felt horrible. And then he felt Michelle’s hand in his and he felt much better. He knew he wasn’t alone anymore. „The affair kept going on for few weeks until one night when Marcus and Sophia were in the hot pot and Esther caught them. The whole world collapsed for both Esther and Marcus because on the moment Marcus saw his wife’s tears his brainwash wore off and he realized what had happen. He tried to talk to Esther but nothing worked and she walked away from him, leaving him behind with Sophia. And then she figured that she had no use for him anymore so she just shot him and walked away. Then the cleaning lady saw Marcus dead and ran to tell Esther that. She was on her way out but when she heard what had happened her whole world collapsed, again. She now knew how evil Sophia was and she was the only one who knew that until now. She couldn’t bare it so she, she drove her car into the Maureen and killed herself.“ Ella Gella took a deep breath like someone who has just finished to tell a very important but in the same time, very tragic story. Michelle started to cry. Marcus shivered. „You, mean, Esther is…dead?“ he asked and tried to keep his voice stable. „Yes, I’m afraid that is right,“ Ella Gella said. Michelle didn’t say a thing. There was a very long silence but then Ella Gella started talking again. „Sophia had a plan, a very good plan. But it wasn’t over yet. Now her main goal was left. She had enough money but what she needed was a man, the man of her dreams, Ashton Kutcher. So she went on a trip and met him. She tried to convince him to go away with her but she couldn’t fool him, he was way to much in love with Demi Moore. And he told her to back off. But Sophia isn’t known for backing off, so she simple contacted him one day and brainwashed him over the phone. She is a very talented brainwasher. So Ashton dumped Demi and ran away with Sophia and they got married. Then she made some immortal potion so they could live together forever and have hundreds of hundreds of children. But there comes another thing that she didn’t assume would happen. She thought now that she had married Ashton, got the money, drank some immortal juice and the plan was over, everything would automatically go back to normal without any disturbances. But she didn’t expect me to contact her and trying to get to the bottom of things. So when I called her she must have been shocked but she is indeed a very good actress and so she sounded perfectly normal. She told me many things and I believed her. She told me that she was sorry to hear that Marcus and Esther were dead but she didn’t know anything about how it happen And I believed her. But when she hanged up I started to think, I thought harder than I’ve ever thought and finally I found a tiny little flaw. Her plan was a good one, a very good one, but it wasn’t perfect. And as she told me she was sorry for Marcus’s and Esther’s dead, she failed. Because she had just told me how she had just came from her honeymoon and hadn’t being in any contact with the world. How on earth should she then have found out about their death? She could have read about Marcus’s death on the Internet but there was nothing about Esther’s death anywhere else then in Esther’s memory.
So no matter how smart Sophia was and no matter how good her plan was, she made a one little mistake. And that’s about all that needed.“ Ella Gella had finished the story. She looked at Michelle and Marcus who were still silent and were squeezing each other’s hand. Michelle looked at Marcus first and then at Ella Gella. „If this is all true, which I think it is, then why is Marcus here, in this awful place. He hasn’t done anything bad, and when you think about it he hasn’t done anything at all. He was just unlucky. Ironic, isn’t?“ Michelle said. Ella Gella nodded in agreement.
„And that is why I have something more to tell you. Just before I got here I spoke to Esther,“ she said.
„Really, but how? How is she doing? Is she OK?“ Michelle said.
„I called Heaven and she was the one that answered. She is fine and she misses you both. And she also told me something else. She knows of way to get people out of Hell. It is very simple and it has always worked though it has only been done four times before. All you have to do,“ Ella Gella said and looked at Marcus and Michelle, „is to eat an Obláta.“
„Oh, that is great, but how do we get an Obláta here. I mean it is hell after all,“ Michelle said.
„Here!“ Ella Gella said and took two Oblátas out of her pocket. „I always carry one with me since we got confirmed, just in case.“ Michelle smiled at her and then at Marcus. Their faces were both filled with so much happiness that it took a lot of effort from Ella Gella’s half to get her into telling them about the terms.
„But there is a fly in the ointment,“ she said and both Marcus and Michelle looked at her. „The Obláta you eat has to come from earth and it has to be delivered by a live human being. And you need to eat the whole Obláta so the movement will work, as it should. And the number of people who are being moved to Heaven cannot be higher than the number of people who deliver the Obláta. Which means…“ But she didn’t have to continue. Both Marcus and Michelle had figured it out. Only one of them could go to Heaven. And the other one would have to stay behind.
The air was filled with despair. No one spoke. No one wanted to face the cold reality by speaking of it. But Ella Gella knew she was running out of time so she spoke: „ I know what it means. And I cannot bare to think about it. But we have to face the facts. Only one of you can leave this place. But as much as I wanted to help you with your decision I cannot. It is your decision, and yours only. And I know you will make the right one. But you can’t do anything without the Obláta so you will have to take it.“ She handed Marcus the Obláta. He took it and put it safely into his pocket. Then Ella Gella turned to Michelle. She tried to find out what she was thinking but there was no way of knowing. Every thought and expression of Michelle’s was a mystery unless she chose to speak of it to someone. But Ella Gella could see something in Michelle’s face that she hadn’t seen before. And that was the expression of a woman who has lost all hope, but could still see the bright side of live. It was amazing and it made Ella Gella feel warm inside. To see light in a place so dark and empty.
„I think that hour you talked about is almost over,“ Michelle said and pulled Ella Gella out of her thoughts.
„Yes, you’re right,“ she answered.
„I guess the bad guy won’t get what he, she deserves. After all she’s immortal,“ Michelle said and laughed a little.
„Yeah, maybe not, but at least we know what really happened. And we know about and have something that she will never even realize that does exist. The power of friendship and true love. And that is what makes me satisfied,“ Ella Gella said. There was a moment of silence and then Ella Gella hugged Michelle and they both started to cry. „I’ll miss you so much,“ Ella Gella said.
„Me to, but remember not to miss me too much. You have to have room to live your life, specially now when you have your friends,“ Michelle said and smiled. „Goodbye, Ella,“ she added.
„Goodbye, Michelle,“ Ella Gella said. Then she turned to Marcus.
„Say hello to Jacob from me, will you?“ Marcus said.
„Sure,“ she answered. Then she turned to both of them and said goodbye for the very last time and then she disappeared to the world she belonged to and lived happily ever after.

Marcus put his fingers around the Obláta in his pocket and pulled it up. „You should take it,“ he said to Michelle. „You’re innocent too, all you did was to take my money but you had been brainwashed, so you didn’t know what you were doing, right?“ he said sounding like someone who is holding onto a very unreliable hope. Michelle didn’t answer. She looked like she was thinking but what she was really doing was trying to keep her tears away. Then she looked at Marcus and said with a shaky voice: „No, I was very well aware what I was doing all along.“ Marcus didn’t respond. Michelle couldn’t control her tears anymore. „I’m sorry, “ she whispered. „Please forgive me.“ Marcus looked at her with the tears in his eyes. „I never blamed you,“ he said. „And I still want you to have the Obláta. I wouldn’t be happy, not even in Heaven, knowing of you, all alone down here. And I’m not taking no for an answer!“
„And neither am I!“ Michelle said.
„Then none of us is going to eat it,“ Marcus said „I cannot do it, I cannot leave you here and neither can you. So we’ll both stay!“ he said.
„Marcus, don’t you get it,“ Michelle said, „You’re the one who is innocent and isn’t supposed to be down here in the first place. You didn’t do anything wrong but I did. I stole and lied. And the worst of all,“ she lowered her voice, „I broke your heart.“ She had stopped crying but her breath was heavy.
Marcus grabbed her hands. „Michelle, did you ever, in all of our marriage, did you ever love me?“ he asked.
„If I tell you, will you eat the Obláta?“ Michelle answered.
„I, I don’t know, I can’t…“ he said.
„Will you or will you not?“ Michelle asked again trying to sound as levelheaded as she could.
„I, I will,“ Marcus said, so low that it could barely be heard. Michelle looked at him and smiled a little.
„Yes, I did.“ she said and smiled again. „I finally realized it, but then it was too late.“
„You, know I would have forgiven you anything if you had come to me and told me all about it,“ Marcus said.
„Yes, I know,“ Michelle whispered. Her tears had started to fall again.

And then he grabbed her and kissed her right on the mouth.
„I will always love you, Michelle Blake! And I will never forget you!“ he nearly shouted. His tears were streaming from his eyes. „And neither will I,“ Michelle whispered through her tears. He took the Obláta and put it in his mouth. They looked into each other’s eyes for a second and squeezed each other’s hands and then Marcus disappeared.
Michelle stood still for what felt like an age. The tears ran quietly down her cheeks. She was still holding her hands out like she thought there was something there.
She was all alone.
She turned around with her eyes closed, stood still for a moment and then walked away into the endless darkness.

But still, as the hours, the days, the months and the years wear of, Michelle never forgot. She never forgot her friends. She never forgot her family. And she never forgot her love. Because that is what makes all the difference in the world. Even in a world were there is only darkness. And she knew that.

The End

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Kv. Cho