Gleymt lykilorð


3.056 eru með Sorp sem áhugamál
86.584 stig
1.064 greinar
15.111 þræðir
183 tilkynningar
474 pistlar
5.091 myndir
1.657 kannanir
528.151 álit


SinSin SinSin 1.250 stig
CaptHowdy CaptHowdy 1.218 stig
Fuckface Fuckface 1.198 stig
Vansi Vansi 1.120 stig
MadClaw MadClaw 1.010 stig
Ablaze Ablaze 842 stig
Pesi Pesi 840 stig


teiknimyndasögur (9 álit)

teiknimyndasögur eru af og til fyndnar… en sjaldan blóðhóstandi awesome eins og þessi :D

Sumo (15 álit)

Sumo Sexy eh?

Tennis (11 álit)

Tennis Gamalt en gott :P

Lobstermon (15 álit)

Lobstermon Dam be cool mon, mon

Chill. (25 álit)

Chill. anita23 og svartisauðurinn í góðum gír =D

Rapbattle (19 álit)

Rapbattle Geðveikt gott rapp battle ég og vinur minn. Gerið betur, heldur betur.

Ring Ring Ring Ring (4 álit)

Ring Ring Ring Ring Banana phone!

lelelel (14 álit)

lelelel lelaði einhevr jafn dátt og ég?

Reykingar (8 álit)

Reykingar Did you know:

1. Blankets can keep you warm.

2. The hamburger is a popular meal in America.

3. Rainy days are wetter than sunny days.

4. red and blue are different colors

5. gay guys prefer penis.

6. wars tend to be violent in nature.

7. a computer is not a rock.

8. the odds that your Mom gave birth to you are fairly high.

9. homosexuals like to have sex with their own gender.

10. fire trucks are often red.

11. it's not a good idea to smear your body with fish sauce and play with hungry polar bears.

12. People who stop breathing usually die.

13. hunger is often followed by the eating of food.

14. Rock and Roll is not all Gravel and Biscuits.

15. coffee is not juice.

16. Elephants find bar stools uncomfortable.

17. Hamsters don't make fashion statements.

18. A trout cannot give radical political speeches in public.

19. Fire is hot.

20. Lengsta kvikmynd í heimi er 931 min (15 klst.)

I'm back.. (17 álit)

I'm back.. ..bitches!
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..