Skelmir for the win!
'Of course we didn't die- I'm too clever and you're too pretty.'
-Skelmir Gottskálks, a.k.a. Skulduggery pleasant.
'Congratulations! You've just reinstated a 300 year old neurosis. Our work here is done.'
-Skelmir aftur.
'Curse you, Robert!'
-Ég (þekki samt engann sem heytir Róbert…)
'Þetta eru allt saman asnar, Guðjón.'
-Einhver snillingur.
Valkyrie: ‘…hate…you…’
Skulduggery: ‘Breath in some more air, the lack of oxygen is making you delirious.’
'We're not retreating, we're advancing in reverse.'
-Skelmir einu sinni enn.
'Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous.'
-Terry Pratchett
Cutangle: ‘While I’m still confused and uncertain, it's on a much higher plane, d'you see, and at least I know I'm bewildered about the really fundamental and important facts of the universe.'
Treatle: ‘I hadn’t looked at it like that, but you're absolutely right. He's really pushed back the boundaries of ignorance.'
-Equal Rites
'The vermine is a small black and white relative of the lemming, found in the cold Hublandish regions. Its skin is rare and highly valued, especially by the vermine itself; the selfish little bastard will do anything rather than let go of it.'
'Go on, prove me wrong. Destroy the fabric of the universe. See if I care.'
-Terry Pratchett
'That seems to point up a significant difference between Europeans and Americans. A European says: “I can't understand this, what's wrong with me?” An American says: “I can't understand this, what's wrong with him?”'
-Terry Pratchett
'I see… So your mother likes dwarfs…'
'Það er táfíla af hárinu á þér.'
“There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”
-Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galazy.
'I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college, won the case, and got my tuition back!'
Thetis: So many women, and all these transformations and disguises he invents in order to seduce them. Sometimes a shower of gold, sometimes a bull or a swan. Why, once he even tried to ravish me disguised as a cuttlefish.
Hera: Did he succeed?
Thetis: Certainly not.
Athena: What did you do?
Thetis: Beat him at his own game. I simply turned myself into a shark.
-Clash of the Titans.
'Adults are just kids with money.'
'That'll teach him to underestimate stupid people.'
-Ghastly Bespoke.
'Who died and made you Darth Vader?'
'It's flayed lice, you flick!“
-Man ekki…
'Don't judge a book by its movie.'
”It's growling. Shhh, it's growling closer… It's an angry thing, a big angry thing. It likes cabbage, though… I can't stop it growling! Shhh… You're not much fucking help.“
-Sleep Talkin' Man.
”I've got to get me two or more of those little fellas if I'm going to be able to make goblin soup. Mmmhmm. It's so true.“
-Sleep Talkin' Man.
”You can't do that to a jellyfish. I'm calling the authorities. You dirty jelly molester."
-Sleep Talkin' Man.