unrelated en gerðist á leit minni
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: how are you?????'
You: :)
Stranger: good
Stranger: you?
You: same here
You: and you are from?
Stranger: madrid
Stranger: you?
You: iceland
Stranger: woow…cool
Stranger: what´s your name?
You: my name is one of those who should be feared, my name is Lord Voldemort
You: no jkng
You: it is someting else
Stranger: a bad one
Stranger: you think I will find and kill you if you tell it?
You: yeah
Stranger: …
You: Because
You: I am L
Stranger: wow
Stranger: you are badass
Stranger: that is what you are
You: yeah
You: is your name Light Yagami?
Stranger: my name ist mr.yodaboda
You: ahh
Stranger: sounds kinda badass too,doens´t it?
You: Yoda did rape my dog :(
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeaaaaaaaaah
Stranger: that was exactly what I mean
Ég hló svo dátt.
at first I was like nyeh, and then i was like wweh, okei bæ