Were is mi China man? I needd mi China man. If it werntt for the China man I never would have gon to China and thus never met my China man!
Where is my China man? That newb, China man. My china man. Where is my China man?
Ninja man. Where is my ninja man? I have no tikkett to the academi and thus ned mi ninja man. If ninja dies in a ninja man combat fighty, I wil not hav mi ninja man analmor and since China man depends on ninja man my China man and ninja man wil perysh into the al-sy-eing wale.
Wer is my China man? I ned my China man. If it wernt for my China man I never wuld hav gon to China and thus nevar meet mi China man!
Lobsterman. Where is my lobsterman? I need to eat lobster and if I don't have my lobsterman, where do I get a red lobsterman?
Now let's huri up and spyre to the Spyreman. Why is the spyreman not anserwing my spyderman cals? I no he is spyderman but my spyreman won't anserw my cals besóse spyreman has losst is fon besóse spyreman has disappeerd from existnse.
Tank you for reviewing my spyremaniac beverage.