ONc3 UpON @ +ImE ThERE w4$ @N OWL N@MED PHR3D. freD h4d N0 phRI3NdS 4Nd W45 AlW4y5 p1cK3D 0N.
fR3D l0S+ His P4rEn+$ in 4 CAR Wr3ck 4ND Hi5 S1Bl1N9 @lL DI3d 1n 4 PL4Ne CR4Sh
S0 fR3D WaS 4LL al0N 1N +Hi5 d@RK W0RlD H3 C4LLEd a PHorRE$+
BUT On 0n3 D4y H1$ LIPH3 CH4nGed F0R 3V3r
Wh3n phR3d w@5 w4lKiN9 PHRom 4n @c0rn h3 f0uND lY1N9 on tH3 9RounD, he 5+Um8LED up0N 4 g1@N+ +rEE NaM3d HoW4RD
hOW4rd h4D @L$0 833n l0N3lY h1$ ENtIRe l1F3 BEC4U53 H15 M0m and d@D arE BO+h DE5K5 4ND H1$ 0nLy BrO+HEr W45 Choped d0WN 4Nd +uRNED 1N+0 4 veGET4bLE
PhREd W4s cUr1U5 AB0UT How @ +REE C4n 83 4 VEg3+ABl3, 5O H3 45k3D +eh TR3E
(pHr3d): HOW@RD 1 w45 w0nd3RINg, How Can @ trEE b3comE 4 vE93+@8le
“W3LL it$ KwI+3 5IMPle, j00 $EE +hE INNEr me4+ 0PH +R33 4re VERy R@RE @nd nO+ 0Ph+En phOUnd WiTh1n tr3E bu+ MY 8r0+HER HAD +HE M34T IN$Ide hIm 4ND 1s TH3r3 FOR 4 v3gt4BLe
5@ID how@Rd W1+H @ vErY 5mArt L00k On HI5 pH@ce
PHr3D TH0UGHt 4B0U+ thIS F0R 4 MoM3nT @ND THEN repLIed: BuT h0W4RD TRE35 DoN+ H@Ve m34+ 1N51De +H3M @nD ME4+ iS NO+ 4 v39E+@bl3
HoW4rd Wa$ CUFU$3D @ND 5@1D +H4t he W4$ No+ 80rN wHen hi5 Br0TH3R W45 +4KEN FR0M hIM 4ND $41D ThA+ a WoLF NE4r8y Told HIM wh4T H@PPEn3d
tHE oWl W4S c0NFU5Ed anD y3+ @ BI+ 5URPRI53D tH@T 4 +re3 c4N W@LK ANd +4Lk
”MU5T b3 4 m4GIC4L TR3E" pHR3D +Hou9HT 4$ H3 kEp+ WlkING +0 +3H W0LPHES pL4c3
WheN +HY 4R1V3d a+ ThE W0lpHE5 Pl4CE Th3Y $@W +h4+ Th PL@cE 15 4 M3$$ 4Nd +3H PO0R W0lPH W45 ly1N9 On +eh Gr0UnD WI+H 4 Kn1f3 IN H15 B@CK @ND 4 bULLE+5 HOlE5 IN HI5 Ch35+ @nD 5Id3$.
TH3 oWl KwICKlY t00K oF 45 h3 He4RD 50M3ThInG C0ming
HOw4rD w@5 Not 4$ BR4Ve 45 fRed 5O hE D3c1d3D TO rUN 0F 4nD Le4v3 fRed 4L0N3 W1th WH4t 3VER i$ C0M1N9 TOWRd$ H1M
4LL OPH 4 5UDDeN 50Me 81G CrE4tUR3 W1+h 4 l0n9 5t1cK Ap34R3d
h3 D1D NOt KNOw wH4t +Ho5E cREatUR3$ worE bUT h3 d1DN+ lIKe +h3m
HE $aW +H4+ th3 Cre@+Ur35 WH3R3 POIN+1n9 +H3r3 ST1cK 4t +HE W0lF 4Nd 4$ tHEY d1D +H@+, FR3D 5AW Th4T +hE WoLF w@$ No+ DEad
FrED +0Ok oF t0 $@V3 tHE W0lph but h3 w@$ +o hE@Vy @ND tH3 CReA+UREs wH3RE TO 5Tr0N9
Th3 OwL W@S $CAREd @5 +eh cr34+UR3$ +O0k tH3 WOLpH 4Nd Wh3re +AKInG HIM W1+h TH3M 5oM3WHER3
tH3 OwL DIDN+ kNOW M@NY pE0PL3 iN +H15 FOrR35+ buT Th4+ WOlPH w@$ 4 p@R+ oPH +h3 fOrRE$+ So h3 94theRED $OM3 0F +HE FORr35t 4n1maL5 +O 54VE tO h3LpL355 WOLf
+h3 oWL +OOK tHe l3ed @nD 54W TH@+ t3H CR34TuR35 WheR3 H3@DING +0WARD$ 50m3THIN9, bU+ Hi d1DNt knOw WH4+ iT W@5
+heN pHreD C4ME B4CK 4ND T0lD T3h 4NIM4L5 WH3R3 tH3y W3r3 +4K1nG +h4+ poOR W0LF $o Th3Y HuRRI3d T0 the PL4c3 WH3Re +H3 +0oK Him
FREd W@$ h@vIn9 3n0Ugh 0Ph +HEe5E cR3@TUReS 4nD DECIdeD +H@+ +HeY $H0uLd 4TTCK N0w
+HE Ph0rR35+ @nimaL5 H@d 53+ UP @N @Mbu5h IN thE Pl@C3 wHERe th0os3 Cre4TUR35 WHEr3 T4k1nG +hE W0LpH
AFTer A pH3W M1Nu+35 H@d P4$Sed +HE 0WL G4vE Up 4ND D3C1d3D +h@+ th3Y sHOuld 4+t4Ck NoW
@nD s0 +h3y Did
4pH+3R +h3 84+TLE wI+h TH3 cRe4TuRe +H3Y rEcov3ReD TeH WolPH And H34DED B4CK h0M3
pHR3D h@d R3mEMB3r TeH +1M3 Wh3n HE WA5 S@VeD By 4 my5+3r1U5 5Tr4NGER Wh3n h3 W45 y0uN9
BU+ hE N3V3r re@LLY Kn3w WhO iT w45
tHEN th3 NiGH+ p45S3d @ND VEry 8oDY W@5 wAkING UP @ph+3R t3H H0RR1PHiC NIgHt
5Om3 H@d L0$+ 4 fr1end @Nd Som3 4 FEW pH4milY MemBer5 bUt tHEY W3re H4PpY To 5t1Ll b3inG 4l1Ve
@nD ThEN Wh3N EVeRY 80dY w@5 jU5+ W4K1N9 Up @ coM3+ PHlEw On T3H +rEe @nD 5m4ShED 3v3Ry 0n3
+H3 3Nd
once upon a time there was an owl named phred. fred had no phriends and was always picked on.
fred lost his parents in a car wreck and his sibling all died in a plane crash
so fred was all alon in this dark world he called a phorrest
but on one day his liphe changed for ever
when phred was walking phrom an acorn he found lying on the ground, he stumbled upon a giant tree named howard
howard had also been lonely his entire life because his mom and dad are both desks and his only brother was choped down and turned into a vegetable
phred was curius about how a tree can be a vegetable, so he asked the tree
(phred): howard i was wondering, how can a tree become a vegetable
“well its quite simple, you see the inner meat oph tree are very rare and not ophten phound within tree but my brother had the meat inside him and is there for a vegtable
said howard with a very smart look on his phace
phred thought about this for a moment and then replied: but howard trees dont have meat inside them and meat is not a vegetable
howard was cufused and said that he was not born when his brother was taken from him and said that a wolf nearby told him what happened
the owl was confused and yet a bit surprised that a tree can walk and talk
”must be a magical tree" phred thought as he kept wlking to the wolphes place
when thy arived at the wolphes place they saw that th place is a mess and the poor wolph was lying on the ground with a knife in his back and a bullets holes in his chest and sides.
the owl quickly took of as he heard something coming
howard was not as brave as fred so he decided to run of and leave fred alone with what ever is coming towrds him
all oph a sudden some big creature with a long stick apeared
he did not know what those creatures wore but he didnt like them
he saw that the creatures where pointing there stick at the wolf and as they did that, fred saw that the wolf was not dead
fred took of to save the wolph but he was to heavy and the creatures where to strong
the owl was scared as the creatures took the wolph and where taking him with them somewhere
the owl didnt know many people in this forrest but that wolph was a part oph the forrest so he gathered some of the forrest animals to save to helpless wolf
the owl took the leed and saw that the creatures where heading towards something, but hi didnt know what it was
then phred came back and told the animals where they were taking that poor wolf so they hurried to the place where the took him
fred was having enough oph theese creatures and decided that they should attck now
the phorrest animals had set up an ambush in the place where thoose creatures where taking the wolph
after a phew minutes had passed the owl gave up and decided that they should attack now
and so they did
aphter the battle with the creature they recovered the wolph and headed back home
phred had remember the time when he was saved by a mysterius stranger when he was young
but he never really knew who it was
then the night passed and very body was waking up aphter the horriphic night
some had lost a friend and some a few phamily members but they were happy to still being alive
and then when every body was just waking up a comet phlew on the tree and smashed every one
the end
Bætt við 1. apríl 2008 - 22:35
Of létt..
F-in eru ph núna =)