Little known facts um netið:
It is split into 3 main segments: Porn, Warez and Oscar Wilde quotes.
The unit to measure internet traffic is a telegram, an SI-unit. To calculate the connection speed you need to move a certain amount of telegrams:
Translate your message into Morse code.
Calculate the amount of beeps. Make no distinction between long and short beeps.
Divide this number by zero.
The number you end up with is the connection speed in bps (beeps per second) that you'll need for the message to go through.
The internet is really a one-trick-pony. You can only do one thing with it: go online.
The internet binds the space-time continuum together, as well as to the circle of life as mentioned in The Lion King.
It would take 46 pages of A4 paper to print the entire internet out. The internet could be saved to no less than 3 floppy disks.
In the US, postage stamps must be attached to the user's screen each time he/she wants to send an email.
Many individuals, from Bill Gates to Dr. Thinker, have tried to conquer the Internet resulting in several massive conflicts known as the Internet wars against its overlord the King of the Internet.
The internet is NOT a big truck.
God's personal website displays expert application of CSS scripting.
The only animal fast enough to outrun spam email is the leopard.
Internet petitions are the most effective way of getting anything done. They have been responsible for many changes throughout history. Some notable achievements of internet petitions include ending World War 2, tearing down the Berlin Wall, the assasination of Ghandi and the creation of the internet.
Every time you go on the internet, a little part of You dies.
Internet was discovered in ancient French caves in 1978.
Games are played on the Internet. Since the Internet is an information superhighway, those games are very dangerous.
Is this thing on? Am I onlining? Timmy are you in there? What does grandpa do next???
In 2003 the number of confirmed users of the internet finally outnumbered FBI agents.
The source code of the Internet is violating patents by SCO.