Þið þekkið þetta.
bannað að svindla!

How does the world see me?
Shine - take that
( útgeislun sjáðu til )

Will I have a happy life?
Stórir strákar fá raflost - egó
( ehh ?? )

What do my friends really think of me?
like a prayer(hard mix)
( ahh! það er ég í hnotskurn )

Do people secretly lust after me?
Forever young - youth group
( gott lag :D en svarar samt ekki spurningunni :/ )

How can I make myself happy?
big girl you are beautiful(heitir lagið það ekki annars? - mika)
( úllala! þarf bara fitna )

What should I do with my life?
L.O.V.E - Ashley Simpson
( ókei:/ hvað í helvítinu er ég að gera með þetta lag í tölvunni:S )

Will I ever have children?
Nothing else matters - metallica
( úje! )

What is some good advice for me?
Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
( aaw, rómó )

How will I be remembered?
i don't give a damn if you don't like me - the bloodhoundgang
( ææji:/ )

What is my signature dancing song?
x gon' give it to ya - dmx
( voff )

What do I think my current theme song is?
another one bites the dust - queen
( aa evs )

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
who let the dogs out - baha men
( wrarr )

What song will play at my funeral?
do you wanna fuck - byz
( uuu, ókei :/ )

What type of men/women do you like?
runaway - gary allan
( hmmm :/ )

What is my day going to be like?
no woman no cry - bob marley
( elska þetta lag :D )

svariði þessu ef ykkur leiðist eða e-ð (:

How does the world see me?

Will I have a happy life?

What do my friends really think of me?

Do people secretly lust after me?

How can I make myself happy?

What should I do with my life?

Will I ever have children?

What is some good advice for me?

How will I be remembered?

What is my signature dancing song?

What do I think my current theme song is?

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?

What song will play at my funeral?

What type of men/women do you like?

What is my day going to be like?