Þetta lag er að drepa mig… endalaust með það á heilanum… lærði það bara á helginni…
Kúrekaleikur anyone?
(aðeins lobsterman er boðið ;)

I'm an Icelandic cowboy
on my Icelandic pony.
I travel around in the west.
I know all the ways around Snæfellsneis
'cause that's where my baby stays.
*flaut, flaut*

I've been to the east, and I've been to the west.
I've been to the north and the south.
Once I met there an old polar bear
but I found out he had a big mouth.

That's why I'm singing for you, forgotten cowboys,
forgotten cowboys of the world.
Come to Iceland, ‘cause it’s a nice land
and you can shake the shephards hand.
And if you come to Iceland you can join the local band