Ég er ekki búinn að Korkast lengi :Æ og ætla senda inn gátu =D Dr.Haha/Bjarni veit þetta strax :Æ

okei here it goes

Með hverjum er þessi texti og hvað heitir lagið ?

h-eight … is the one for me
it gives me all i need
and helps me co-exist
with the chill


you make me sick
because i adore you so
i love all the dirty tricks
and twisted games you play
on me


space dementia in your eyes and
peace will arise
and, tear us apart
and make us mean-ing-less again

mmmm yeah

you'll make us wanna die
i'd cut your name in my heart
we'll destroy this world for you
i know you want me to
feel your pain


space dementia in your eyes and
peace will arise
and tear us apart
and make us mean-ing-less again

Ooooh, ooooh, ooooh, oooooh, oooooooh-aaa”

Svarið litlu elskur =D