Hallo Ég heti atli og er nyr :D
You scored as Eaten.
Your death will be death by wild animals. You will probably get eaten by a bear or shark something because you don't know the natural safety precautions and are ignorant.
Eaten 80% Bomb 73% Accident 73% Disappear 67% Suicide 60% Gunshot 53% Natural Causes 47% Disease 33% Cut Throat 33% Stabbed 33% Posion 27% Drowning 27% Suffocated 20%
Which Colour Represents You??? You scored as Red. Just like Red, you fit most catergories. Red can be used to describe danger, and danger is what you are all about. You possibly tend not to follow the rules, are not afraid of most things and know exactly what you want. Red can also be described as the colour of 'love' and this is your weakness. You are an absolute sucker for romance and your usual stubborn shell falls when in the presense of someone you like. You are passionate, beautiful and alluring to the eye.
já helvítis pólverjinn dæmdi okkur í óhag. Hann veit seinnilega ekki að 10% þeirra sem búa á Íslandi eru Pólverjar