Allir að koma með þær Chuck Norris staðreyndir sem þið þekkið :D

Eins og:

- Chuck Norris knows Victoria's Secret.
- Guns don't kill people. Chuck Norris kills People.
- The leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer
- When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
- Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
- Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.
- When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s pushing the Earth down.
- Chuck Norris doesn’t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
- Chuck Norris does not get frostbite. Chuck Norris bites frost
- There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
