Mig langaði bara til að láta inn nokkrar tilvitnanir sem að ég hef heyrt/lesið um æfina…..

Pff, lesbians are like school in summertime…

The Police Is Looking For A Sexy Person, You're Safe, But Where The Fuck Will I Hide?
A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking
I love you in blue..I love you in red…most of all I love you dead
You people laugh because Im different I laugh because you e all the same
Love is one great mistery but I know Ill never miss you

“We'll never keep up with those horses.” -Rool
“Then we'll have to track them.” -Franjean
“That would take forever. Besides even if we find them, they'll catch us, stick us in cages, torture us and finally devour us.” -Rool
“Are you suggesting we go home?” -Franjean
“Nah, this is more fun.” -Rool

“Theo, I'm sure now that my life, much like my paintings, will undoubtedly end up worthless” - Van Gogh

primo: Gott að bandaríkin setja viðskiptabann á aðrar þjóðir. Kannski setja þeir viðskiptabann á okkur einhvern daginn… þá mundi ég ekki stunda nein viðskipti.viðskipti eru slæm og ættu að vera bönnuð, af bandaríkjunum.