Say I had a dog, eh, and this dog was a cat, eh, and that cat would be fat, eh, and that fat cat would eat a rat, eh, then I'd be here in like NO TIME!
That's what you get when you eat those god damn bananas all the time, I ate one once, and here the word “once” means “too often to count”, eh, and I like totally liked it, eh, and so I bought another one, eh, and so I bacame hooked!
Then you try to do what you got to do, eh, and just try to stay true to all that you believe in, eh, but then in comes a man with a bottle of Hennessy and you get drunk, eh, and you go and spill all your secrets out, eh, and that way you betray all you ever believed in!
So, I was sitting in this tiny little hole, eh, when that little reindeer, a word that here means fucking, skunk cam by and took a shit, eh, and oh my, you can't imagine the smell, it was just like something out of a skunk's arse if you ca imagine that, eh, and I like totally fainted!
So, while I was dancing with all those silly little cows I have here trapped in my mind, eh, one slipped and landed on my sanity and it like blew away and now I'm here, left alone, with nothing but loads of insanity and a keyboard!
I miss sanity.