Edward The Magical Formáli: Jæja þá, ég og vinur minn Hallur hinn fróði vorum í enskutíma þegar það átti að gera sögu sem var svo góð að ég vildi deila henni með ykkur. ÞETTA ER “WORTH IT” en ef þið nennið ekki að lesa… lesiði þá fyrsta og síðasta orðið.

Edward the Magical

Edward, a delightful charming man was taking the train from his home, in Sweden, to work. When he was walking down the trainstation he saw an obnoxious bum. He walked and asked him his name. The bum didn't reply to his question, but instead he said “Fear not, young Edward. I'm just a humble genie willing to ”grant you three wonderful wishes.“” Edward said “my first wish is that the train leaves now.” But clumsy Edward forgot that he wasn't on the train so it left without him. Edward felt incredibly silly and he wished for another train. When it arrived he got on it and used his third and last wish to make the train go immediately. After about 7 minutes and 24 amusing seconds he felt exceptionally sleepy so he fell asleep in his huge cabin.
After 18 seconds he woke up and noticed that the train had stopped so he looked out the window and saw that he had arrived in Soviet-Russia, back in time in the radioactive city Chelyabinsk!!! Edward had forgotten that he didn't specifically mention to make the train go to work. He thought to himself that maybe he could never get back so he went out of the train and decided to make the most of life. He saw a bunch of radioactive mushrooms and ate them all so he got mind-bogglingly high and was hit by a train driven by squirrels, he thought he saw. And died


Eftirmáli.Ég: Rikkoz og Hallur: Hallurinn, gerðum þessa sögu í ensku og fengum einkunnina 9,5-10 =D og kennarinn skrifaði Well written

Ríkarður Einarsson
Hallur Aðalsteinn Atlason
Siggi Enskukennari
Euroshopper fyrir að gera orkudrykk sem við drukkum áður en við sömdum 'etta

btw ef einhverjar villur eru þá las ég ekki yfir aftur :P