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Melvin the Gnome

There once was a gnome named Melvin. Melvin was a young, chubby fellow. He and his lads loved imagining adventure events like fighting flying mushrooms with funny hats. Their achievement in life was to do something extremely exciting.
One day, Melvin and his lads decided to go outside for a change and fly their mutant rabbits. Then one of Melvin’s lads, Richard, got an idea. He wanted to have a race. So they did, they lined up on a head of an enormous mushroom and started to count down. “5..4…3…2…1… GO! FOR PONY!” Melvin was in the lead. He knew a shortcut and was going to do everything to defeat his beloved lads.
Melvin was looking behind his back when all of sudden everything became very dark, so dark that it was black. At first, he thought that he had been consumed by one of the abnormal voids that appeared around their homeland once every million seconds and removes their most precious limb. But he was very happy when he felt an itch ‘round his pesnis, yet very confusing as he didn’t know what was happening to him. He had a hard (on) time breathing and felt a lot of heat. Suddenly, the darkness was gone. But now, instead of him being confused, he was terrified because his flying, mutant rabbit was no longer flying normally horizontal, but changed it’s direction counterclockwise and the gravity of the gnome conquered comet started to pull him vertical to the ground. But he was lucky. He fell in a haystack. A big haystack.

VERY big…


Anyways, back to the story.
Melvin felt very ill. But his inner conscience told him to eat his way out of the haystack. It took him over 9000 seconds to finally get out of the haystack. Although, it was not enough to only get out but he really needed some aid(s). But the leprechaun’s luck was with him, as the oh-so-mighty, wise elder of the mushroom gnomes.
Melvin asked the wise elder what was wrong with him. At first, the elder laughed out loud, but when he had finally calmed down, he took a deep breath and told him “ You went through a cloud of volcanic ashes, meaning that you are now suffering from the fatal disease pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliconvolcanoconiosis.” The elder sighed and added “And there is only one antidote existing in this realm, that you have managed to trap yourself in. You need to head back to the haystack, made by the paranormal abomination, the one and only Chuck Norris. So go, young one, into the haystack and look for the all-curing artifact, the epic dlido, once held by the creators of our world. It is not hard to know if it’s the dlido or not, as everything in there is only hay, except this one grail. It is quite long, solid and mushroom shaped.
Your mission is to find it, grab it tightly and rub it’s nob till the genie comes out. Tell the genie to cure the pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis… Begone!”