It was late at night when Jim and Joel were walking home, it was dark and cold outside.
Jim and Joel were brothers, Jim was one year older. As they were walking home there was someone in the bushes, something dark but not that big.
The thing jumped out and it turned out to be their friend, Joey, makin a prank on them and tickling them. Joey was their best friend and neighboor. He had black hair and cold blue eyes. He likes drinking his tea and eating baked beans.
They kept walking to their homes but then they saw another creature in the bushes, more dark and bigger, he had a big beard and a big top hat.
He jumped on them with a pocket-knife and stung Jim. He ran away and he ate the pocket-knife like a candy bar, the evidence was lost and Jim was going to die a cold death.
Joel and Joey looked at him, they didn’t believe he was dead and rang the police.
Mrs. Johansen came to find the murderer. Mrs. Johansen was a 57 year old women, she was rather big boned and had long brown hair. She had been a dedective for twenty hard and long years, but it were good years, many good years.
Mrs. Johansen was sarcastic and enjoyed doing pranks on her friends and people who work with her.
She didn’t have many hobbies but she liked reading books about misteries that she doesn’t understand, stories nobody understands.
She was beginning to look at the evidences but she couln’t see that he killed him with a pocket knife, that would cost her much work.
Joe Wattson was working with Johansen on this case.
Joe Wattson was a rather little man, white and thin, he liked drinking his tea while listening to his old rhythmakers albums, he had rather black humeur.
Mrs. Johansen was talking to Joey and Joel about how the murder happened.
Joey and Joel told everything and Mrs. Johansen asked more and more questions.
Suddently a Big man began to run away and the police followed him.
It turned out to be the father of Jim.
Was it him or was it someone else?
Read the next chapter in next week!
I eat MCs like captain crunch