vinsamlegast hlustið á þetta á meðan þið lesið :
eða þetta
eða þetta
ég er bestur.
hvar ?
þarna ?
er það ?
þetta er nú ekki merkileg grein
og ? þetta er sorpið
þú hefur rétt fyrir þér.
já ,ég veit.
bara smá.
george mazzini….07' says:
who the fuck are you
stickin´it to the man says:
Iam the lord thou god
george mazzini….07' says:
george mazzini….07' says:
stickin´it to the man says:
i´m hurt
george mazzini….07' says:
callate ya pendejo de mierda
stickin´it to the man says:
Las lesbianas son diversión, al malo que no tienen gusto de tener cópula sexual con los hombres
george mazzini….07' says:
y eso q tiene q ver pedazo d mierda
george mazzini….07' says:
cerote de caca
stickin´it to the man says:
No hablo una sola palabra de la cuenta del español…..not qué escribí sobre lesbianas y ésta……
stickin´it to the man says:¿yo tan córneo yo vivo usted mide el tiempo de largo?
¿? ¿? ¿? ¿? ¿? ¿?
there is something udner my bed and it´s got really smelly scabs…..and those scabs were my father !
¡one.two.three.four, cinco, seises, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, fiveteen, dieciséis, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, veinte, veintiuno, veintidós, veintitrés, veinticuatro, veinticinco, veintiséis, 27!
Það er ekkert vit í þessari grein, en það er líka vegna þess að þú ert ógeðslegur pervert.
Klimat: w większości umiarkowany, ale tropikalny na Hawajach i Florydzie, arktyczny na Alasce, półsuchy na Wielkich Wyżynach na północ od Mississippi oraz suchy na południowym zachodzie.
La designación es un alternativa relativamente reciente y menos ambiguo a América, que puede referir a los landmass enteros o a los Estados Unidos de América. El uso original para describir qué a veces se considera un solo continente o supercontinent se desaprueba para la claridad, para la cual las Américas se utilizan para referir colectivamente a los landmass y a las varias regiones de él. Cuando está utilizado describir solos landmass, términos análogos a América o () las Américas sea Eurasia, que consiste en Europa y Asia colectivamente, y Eurafrasia, que es Eurasia y África.
Don´t wanna be your jesus !
don´t wanna be your manson !
I don´t wanna be your elvis !
just wanna be me
don´t wanna be your ghandi !
don´t wanna be no lennon !
Don´t wanan be a guru !
I´m just a wanna-be me!
two attendants fed the eight-year old bear nut/mother and its two six month's young animals in the enclosure of the zoo-logical garden sea-devil at 16.00 o'clock. The 22-jaehrige coworker approximated the animals obviously too.
the bear nut/mother attacked and bit the attendant into the legs, levers and the basin area.
It suffered deep meat wounds.
and for assent for the fire, she makes
the examination for the low point of this book, and
reads slowly, and the dream of the look that soft its
eyes had had a moment, and of its masks deeply;
How much its moments of grace full with the land in
the predetermined SHIFT of the water, and full with
the land in the water its beauty with the false love
or rectifies, but a man loved the soul of pilgrim in
you, and loved sorrows of its face in the change;
E that if if to fold itself for the low point to the side
of the bars that if become incandescent, Murmur,
little sadly, of because the love it functioned moved
away and for the walked examination of the fêz of
one in mountains raised in the raised one and hiding
its face he enters in a multitude of the stars.
það segir allavega riddarinn á stormunum sem er að upplifa mjög skrýtna daga afþví að fólk er skrýtið, sérstaklega LA konan á viskí börum frá fimm til eitt og syndir til tunglsins á meðan sjö mílna langi snákurinn ferðast með bláu rútunni og morðingjin með Oedipus complex sem tók andlit úr forna galleríuni og gekk eftir ganginum.
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
endirinn er eini vinur minn og öll börnin eru geðbiluð.
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Ill never look into your eyes…again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need…of some…strangers hand
In a…desperate land
Lost in a roman…wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
Theres danger on the edge of town
Ride the kings highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake…hes old, and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here, and well do the rest
The blue bus is callin us
The blue bus is callin us
Driver, where you taken us
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and…then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door…and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother…i want to…fuck you
Cmon baby, take a chance with us
Cmon baby, take a chance with us
Cmon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin a blue rock
On a blue bus
Doin a blue rock
Cmon, yeah
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But youll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end
and in the end
the love you seek
blah blah blah
ÞEssi grein var skrifuð undir áhrifum Psychedelic og progresive rokks.