Illuminati ^ ADam Weishaupt.
I have been inside, I know waht they are planning…….the Europian union is made in one fucking purpose and that is to unite europe under one motherfucking goverment, it's the fucking illuminatti man ,they got the power man it's that Adam Weishaupt quasi anarch shit turned on it's head with a facist twist. it's all here, it's 1984 living and breathing man we're so fucked man. They are going to ass rape us into a fuckign submission if we don't shut the fuck up and take it like good little assholes. JFK, Che, Lennon , Morrison and Paul fuckin' Macartney all were kileld in the name of the All Seeing Eye. Agent Orange was made and developed in Are 51 from alien tehcnolagy. oswald was not aiming for JFK he did never shoot JFK, Ruby was a fucking Illumnatti insider(not a full member bu almost) and he killed Oswald before he could psill the fuckin' beans on the second shooter. NATO and the other “TO” are the millitary of the Illumnati. The united natons are just another way to control the world affairs. There will be cameras and cops with riot gear on every fucking corner in a few years.
We have to stop it, power to the people !we got to stick it to the man and don't lent the fucking Illumnatti keep us down. I can see people chasing me in the shaddows, i hear clicks om my phonel ine, there is a motherfucking bug on my fucking phone and those cocksuckers are going to fucking pay for this. We have to organaise form a motherfuckign army before they take all the guns and all the freedom away and take over. There is somone watching me I must stop now. Viva La Revalution
They are among us……
don't trust anyone.
Cannibalism is hugeley underrated…..There are 15 doors in my mind, each leads through into a different dimension. My favorite is the one with the giant moth men riding on a storm of bones and flesh while ALeister Crowley and Charles Manson dance to the symphony of shards. There is ‘something’following me around, I don't trust ;it;i it looks like a clown with it's face ripped to shreds and bloody wound on it's fuckin' chest, it has long fucking claws on it's creepy thin wormlike fingers. it's black eyes are filled with pure fucking evil…This is though the fucking loooking glass this is ALice in wonderland twisted into pure fucking hell….
Everything tastes like gasoline to me…..The voices in the back of my head need to be scratched out with a screwdriver, It's so fucking itchy !…….it's all a conspiracy they are out ta get me, those Bavarian pigfucking wanna-be god German fucks in the Illuminatti, they sent ‘it’ to get me and ‘it’ won't stop until I do what it wants…….my doctor told me to stay of the red meat which is kinda hard when I got 20 people in dreezers in my basement. If you paly Thick as a brick and pause on 6:66 and play it backwards for 6 minutes and 16 seconds then you can hear the devil grunt his voice sounds a lot like Al Pacino with a soar throat.
The echo is endless to this, H.P. Lovecraft is living under my bed, he whispers “ ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn” in my ears while I sleep I always anwser “ That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons, even death may die”
.Edgar Allen Poe is the lrod of darkness he shall be the overlord of earth soon. Charles Manson is the motherfucking messiah man.
Shut the fuck up ! unless you're the next fucking Freddy Nietzsche and you just figured out the meaning of life you better shut up or I will put a fucking bullet in your skull….They plan and plan but they will never ever ever win cause i'm a bad motherfucker with a taste for goat urine. Listening to Helter Skelter really makes me want to kill somone, not that I have done so in the past the armageddon is near the a-bombs will fall on earth…… Air, Trees, Water, Animals, love is not the trip, death is the trip……
Helter Skelter is all the wars that have ever been fought, piled on top of each other
Necrophelia is a lot like politics…its creepy, a bit cold and unpersonal and everyone who does it is a maniac. By the way necrophelia is not worth all the trouble. TUTTI FUCKIN' FRUTTII'm here to do the devils word.
WAnna play ?
Everyone is in ot it even you, and you and those guys over there. You see, Otis was kidnapped by aliens.
During his stay, they performed a number of bizarre experiments on him that changed him physically, both inside and out.
This gave him several awful ideas, by the way.
He used one of them on his captors, stole the spaceship, and spent the next six months periodically cruising the backroads for hapless travellers.
He keeps the alien corpses in one of the sixteen refrigerators he has in his basement….
After serving prison time for the murder of several people, I have chosen to dedicate my remaining years to the care and preservation of pygmy pelicans.
Some have called me a monster, but I try to get past that. Won't you?
Funfunfunfunfun!!!!!!!! fucking fun !
Charles Manson Is the motherfucking messiah
I can't seem to figure anything out.
PerpleXxXxed part.4 the “final” chapterDO you know what a subthermal neurophone is ?……..not ?..good, shit they are coming silence, sshhhh think of a yellow rubber duck they can read our minds………put some fucking foil on your head…..done ? ok good.
Do you know how many satilites are watching every person every given moment ? 23 There are also 23 religous relics in the Pentagon, and there are 13 Illuminatti bloodlines each one has 10 assasins 10+13= 23
see the pattern ?
Air, Trees, Water, Animals….i´m All The WAy ALive man don´t you see ?
THey´re back ! think of a pink golf ball crouched in a field vert……
sometimes I feel like someone is watching me
Charles Milles MAnson is the fucking messiah
zoophilia and playing pool go hand in hand.
go out to the desert, connect with the elders they know our secrets !
The snake is long, it´s 7 miles and on each scale of it´s the history of time is written
each scale has one word….it´s old and it´s skin is cold.
we´re gonna make it babe, we´re taking over!
chainsaw buzzes in my head readdy to split it into ´namland
Politcal Piggie
They know that we know that they know that we know that they know, and lets jsut pray they don´t know that we know that they know that.
You dig what I´m Saying ?
Crime factory is this fucking thing here. THIS is a crime, this is where we create our crime. This is a crime factory, uh for jobs and prophet we can stop the crime.
The will of God NNNNUUUUUHHHHH..DIDDLELEEDIDDLELEE… whatever you want to call it. DUHNDUHNDHUNDUHNDUHN.. you can call it jesus, call it Mohammed, vall it boogybops, call it, call it Nucelar Mind, call it Blow The World Up, call it uh, your heart, call it whatever you want to call it. It´s still music to me…it´s there, its the will of life.
the District Attorney´s are selling your blood man.
Charles Manson is everything man…..life on the street ? CHarles Manson is the street..
Put a baby in the cradle and say “good goo babab ab loo lalal” and say, he´s jsut a baby no older then me, you say “come on baby light my fire ! come on baby light my fire” then when he gets older he starts lighing fires. Then you call him “no good kid firebug” and send him to reform school. Then there are these burglaries and you scare him and put him up agaisnt the wall and say “we don´t want no burglaries”. Then he goes “whoop whoop” and goes do what he´s been programmed to do.
it´s so fucking simple why won´t you get it ?!?!
The elders are in the desert, we must go there and ask for forgiveness. We have sined against nature man. Because of us nature is a fucking sick crack whore. The elders know eveything, they see everything and feel everything. They speack in riddles because if they would tell a mrotal the truth the mortal heads would *KABOOM*!!!!!!!! get blown to bits with the brain and the shards of skull flying through the warm fucking desert air.
Their eyes are always white, unlæess when they are meditating, then you can see a peace symbol where the eyeball should be. They are not of this world, they are peace loving and kind but if we keep on this path of destruction they will be forced to use their long fingers to rip our souls out *swwiiisssszzzhhh Pow*! ……
The a-bombs are flying through the sky and we wil lall die, only the Elders can stop it, we need them, they need us DON´T YOU GET IT !?!?!
read beetween the fucking lines
Nature is the anwser, the yin and the yang, it is the anwser, it is up it is down its night, day,black,white it´s everything and Charles Manson is Nature
Existence, as we know it, is full of sorrow. To mention only one minor point: every man is a condemned criminal, only he does not know the date of his execution. This is unpleasant for every man. Consequently every man does everything possible to postpone the date, and would sacrifice anything that he has if he could reverse the sentence. Practically all religions and all philosophies have started thus crudely, by promising their adherents some such reward as immortality. No religion has failed hitherto by not promising enough; the present breaking up of all religions is due to the fact that people have asked to see the securities. Men have even renounced the important material advantages which a well-organized religion may confer upon a State, rather than acquiesce in fraud or falsehood, or even in any system which, if not proved guilty, is at least unable to demonstrate its innocence. Being more or less bankrupt, the best thing that we can do is to attack the problem afresh without preconceived ideas. Let us begin by doubting every statement. Let us find a way of subjecting every statement to the test of experiment. Is there any truth at all in the claims of various religions? Let us examine the question
Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people….Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law….The pious pretense that evil does not exist only makes it vague, enormous and menacing..
My uncle told me don't go to no Yankee school, boy. So I burned the school down.
I'm a hobo. A derelict. A bum. I'm an open boxcar and a bottle of wine…and a straight-razor if you get too close!
Maybe I should have killed four or five hundred people…then I would have felt better. Then I would have felt I really offered society something.
You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Now everybody's crazy
Maybe I should have killed four or five hundred people…then I would have felt better. Then I would have felt I really offered society something
Believe me, if I started killing people…there'd be none of you left
Look down at me and you'll see a fool. Look up at me and you'll see your god. Look straight at me and you'll see yourself.