Þetta er “saga” eftir mig sem að ég skrifaði á uncyclopedia.org en henni var eytt þannig að mér datt í hug að láta hana hingað, persónulega finnst mér þetta sæmilegasta saga en þeim fannst það greinilega ekki…
GBH or “Groping Big Hamburgers” is a somewhat known underground sport in Iceland. It originally came from Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir which was the first Icelandic to travel to the USA(in 1993) and brought back many delightful things, one of them a misunderstood concept of the hamburger. Her error was in thinking that they were a sexual game instead of food. This resulted in a very popular game which intaled mostly couples groping hamburgers at the speed of light in an extremly sexual way.
A few years later when president Bill Clinton visited his good friend Davíð Oddson he found out about this and was able to correct this mistake and the game was banned. Many Icelandic people were mad because this was a greatly loved game(among the adults) and a few of those started an underground GBH mob that held regular GBH contests in the famous club Grillhúsið(or Partyhouse) until the Icelandic police(which is one of the most brutal forces in the world) found out and eradicated it in 1998. After that setback they were forced to move their operations to worse known places, like Gaukur á stöng(Bird on a pole) and holræsið(a great but smelly place), and with that their size and income lessened greatly. Since then there have been numerous attempts by the Icelandic police to eradicate them but to no avail; even the most hardened policemen don't dare to go into Holræsið because it's ferocity. GBH mob's operations have been steadily increasing since it's fall 1998 and has become a thorne in the polices foot which is especially upset because of a lawsuit against Iceland by the MAI(Mothers against Iceland) which is primarily based on the existence of GBH.
See also: Iceland