Hér er textinn við lagið:One moment out of time
Someone finds a secret
Waiting behind
Knowing there's an end to a glory
End to a story
So good, so divine
Heart, listen to your beating
Never gonna stop
Unless there's a doubt
Never speak to someone that knows you
More than yourself
And the goast that you hide
Cos I'm in love
With a beautiful girl
She's the one from the magical world
And I hold her now
When the rain starts to fall
I'm not afraid to move on
Lay down with someone strange
Dare to be the same, as always in time
Slowly seek the end at it's glory
Wherever to seek, if it's gone
Deep inside
Cos I'm in love
With a beautiful girl
She's the one from the magical world
And I hold her now
When the rain starts to fall
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to move on
I'm alone when the goast starts to hunt
I'm alone, but I know I'm in love
With a beautiful girl
She's the one from the magical world
And I hold her now
When the rain starts to fall
I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to move on
Mér þótti líka rússneska lagið flott en það bara stúdíó-lag. Þær komu hörmulega fram og sungu þetta afskaplega illa að mínu mati.
Mér fannst persónulega að belgíska lagið hefði frekar átt að vinna. Það var mjög frumlegt að senda inn lag í flutningi götuspilara sem lifa á því að fá tíkalla í hattinn sinn. Síðan var lagið líka samið á máli sem að engin skilur og þau voru með mjög flottar handahreyfingar.
kv.Heidrunih (Heiðrún)