Veit nú ekki hvort þetta telst sem saga eða ekki en ákvað nú samt að skella þessu hérna inn, ef þetta á ekki heima hérna þá bara stjórnendur loka eða eyða.

Reykjavik. 26th August 2054

This is the story of the great brakedown of 2008.
On a fine Saturday afternoon the 15th of March 2008.
The line that connects our little island to the outside world broke down
With the line down people got desperate
After few days of it being down people were unhappy
Riots and Violence shook our home
The people were angry and rightfully so
While the government shivered
And tried to control, the people wouldnt take no words they were just a show
And then on the faithful day of the 1st of April 2008 the people read in their newspapers
“We have been saved the line is back up”
Only to noticed the following day it was titled “Lol Owned, It's still down”
The people grew angrier and angrier each day
Until finally a few good people snapped
And said “Vér mótmælum allir” and started to march.
In the end of the year the line was back up.
But in dismay all that was left, was a rat.


Þetta er bara eitthvað sem ég skrifaði á þremur mínutum og leiddist, ef það er einhvað um stafsetningarvillur eða málfræðivillur þá verður bara að hafa það þar sem ég er ekki sérlega góður í íslenskunni.