Þessi grein tengist á engann hátt Jimmy Carter samt á Jimmy Carter að koma fram…….Does that make any Sense?
Þetta er ekki einu sinni verðug grein en samt vona ég að hún verði samþykkt og ég sendi hana inn á smásögur(does that make any sense?). Ég hef enga hugmynd afhverju ég skrifa hana á ensku því ég er lélegur í ensku…..does that make any sense?
Gandalf walkd by the little Smurf and the begun smoking but they needed a little seahorse to get to the stone hidden in the belly of Chewbacca. So they go on a journey to U.S.A. When Gandalf and the Little-Smurf come to U.S.A. they meet Jimmy Carter standing on a car but he is holding a butler(does that make any sense?). The they go to a gunshop becouse the seahorse is well protectid by penguins. Now Gandlaf and the Little-Smurf get an A-Bomb and drop it on the Silly monkey, and the silly monkey goes to hell. When the silly monkey comes to hell, Hitler comes to him and offers him a service.And the little seahorse asks: „khhuggliijkhhgi kkhig“……..does that make any sense?
Now Gandalf and the Smurf go to see Superman becouse he gots a cigar made out of Jelly Beans. When they come to him he gives them some Jelly Beans and some cup of tea and they all drink for a while. But now Saddam Hussein attacks them and they all get killed but Gandalf cheats and uses his magic powers. Now Gandalf is smoking a pot in the wizard prison with Nelson Mandela( becouse he is in a wisit). Now Nelson gets Gandalf out with his laweyer, The Assmeizter, but the laweyer kills him self anf he goes to heaven where he meets the Valar and begin smoking pot.
But Gandalf and Nelson Mandela are ready to strike and attack the little seahorse but the penguins where to strong and they slay Nelson but Gandalf, with his superpowers kills them all an gets to the Seahorse. But when he gets to the Seahorse the only thing that the Seahorse will say is that Bill Gates isn´t rich so Gandalf kills him. Then the Harry Potter fans come and slay Gandalf and the last words of Gandalf where:
And now this story ends…………………..DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE?????