He stepped forward, launching at him. No wait..he was walking, oh yeah..that's it, yeah…that's the spot…err..he walked step by step down the … the…OH..I can't say it, it's too horrible…the…AISLE..yeah, that's right. Hell on earth…Marriage to a woman….HORRIBLE fate..I feel so sorry for that guy. oh yeah..he was launching the rocket to Mars. BUT he couldn't be there, ‘cause it was going to be launched in the desert, and he couldn’t miss desert, it was his favourite cake being served!

So wassup? He asked the bride when he met her at the aisle,

The priest was very offended by this street talk in a church, so he said to the man;

Dude. That's not the way to talk to yer' father. Now apologize yo!

The man was ashamed, and decided to go the bathroom. To do his duty, send more shit to hell.Why is that so nescessary? To turn off the fire of course. What else? Geez. You are so stupid…anyway, moving on.

So I said to him..


HE shitted me!


What a shame.

Then the man walked back to his bride and nodded to the priest, telling him that his duty was done. The priest nodded and went on with the wedding.
All in favour say