,,Living in Britain is a very boring thing. Nothing to do, nothing to be exited about. And why is that? I don’t know…Why do I feel like it’s boring in England, while people from Croatia hate living in Croatia, and people from Iceland hate living in Iceland. Or am I maybe the only one? Maybe Icelandic people and people from Croatia don’t care. Maybe they all like it where they live. And maybe other English people like England much more than I like it? I don’t know. It’s strange,” Josh sighed and closed his eyes for a moment,
,,Why exactly are we talking about this?” she looked at him questionably.
,,Hmm..?” he looked as if he had forgotten her, as if she wasn’t even there. As if any of them were there. No one except him.
,,I asked why did you all of the sudden start talking about how boring England is?” she rolled her eyes at him and sat down.
,,I said that out loud?” he was clearly shocked. His expression was unreadable, but his voice was a little taken aback.
,,Mate, you’re getting weirder and weirder every day,” Lucas shoke his head and smirked. Josh blushed and turned his head away. Lizzie giggled, her azel eyes sparkling.
,,It’s true, Josh. You’re one strange bloke,” Julie smiled from her sitting position.
,,Shut it…let’s talk about something else,” Josh blushed even deeper,
,,No, Josh…why exactly were you talking about how Britain sucks?” Julies smirk widened.
,,Come on…you’ve never wanted to go somewhere else? Live somewhere else?” he answered
,,No, I haven’t. And why did you start talking about how you hated England right out of the blue?” Julie said.
,,We were talking about something close to be talking about England,”
,,Mate, we we’re talking about the war in Iraq,” Lucas shoke his head again, smirking even wider.
,,Oy! We were talking about the war in Iraq which Tony Blair made us English people support! That’s pretty close to be talking about how England sucks!” Josh had blushed three shades of red.
,,Josh, you do realize that we could just the same be talking about pixies and than you start talking about airplanes. It ain’t gonna happen,” Lizzie smiled sheepishly at him. He just frowned and looked away,
,,They both fly, silly…they both friggin fly!”
,,Oy! That’s not the point! The war in Iraq doesn’t have anything to do with England!” Lucas had turned his sharp tone on.
,,Can we just please change the subject?” Josh sighed in defeat
,,Alright, alright…but you still are one silly bloke, mate,” Lucas smirked at the frown on Josh’s face,
,,So…what are you gonna do this summer?” Josh asked Lizzie, desperately trying to change the subject,
,,I’m going to Spain…” she answered,
,,Gonna get away from UK? Yeah…I’d do it to…bloody irritating island, I’ll tell ya…”

Lol, ég hafði ekkert að gera svo ég ákvað að skrifa eitthvað, og ég ákvað að skrifa það á ensku þar sem ég hef aldrei gert það áður…söguþráðurinn þarna er fáránlegur útaf því að ég hafði í raun engan söguþráð. Stafsetningin er örugglega hræðileg og málfræðin ennþá verri, but you’ll just have to deal with it…
Dance, my puppets! Dance! *Insert creepy-beyond-believe laughter here*