ég veit að svona á að vera á korkum en það les það enginn þar!!Segið mér hvað ykkur finnst og þá get ég sent inn meira því að þetta er bara 1. kaflinn og ef þið viljið get ég sent inn restina!
Chapter 1
It doesn’t seem like all this happened to me. I mean, a few months ago everything seemed just normal. Well, maybe not normal, but I had been living my life the same way since I was born, maybe that’s why I thought it was so normal. It all started that night.
I was fed up with the way everything that was happening at home. After dinner my dad came home. He had been gone since the night before, and my mom hadn’t stopped crying since I came home from school, I couldn’t even look at her, cause she almost made my cry.
I could hear him walking in front of the house. I remember I was scared. I put the dinner on the table and, tried to clean up the obvious mess in the kitchen and living room, I was so afraid when I saw the doorknob started moving and the door opened so slowly. He came in through the door, he smelled of alcohol and perfume, I knew he had been with another woman.
He slammed the door so hard; the baby woke up and started crying. My mom ran out from the bedroom, and straight to my dad. He pushed her away, and yelled, “Shut up that fucking baby!!”
My mom, almost started crying, but swallowed the feeling, and told me to take the baby out for a walk. I went in to the bedroom, picked the baby up and dressed her. I walked to the back door, I didn’t want to walk past them, they had started yelling at each other. I just held the baby in my hands and ran out. I walked past the window to my brother’s room and looked inside. He was still sleeping, like a rock. I walked away from the house, still hearing them fighting in there, soon he would lose control, I knew it, I felt it, the baby had stopped crying and had started to fall asleep again. I stopped for a moment but then I walked back to the house, the yelling never stopped.
I went trough the back door and put the baby in her bed again. I looked out from the bedroom, I heard them, but I couldn’t see them, I went through the living room, to the kitchen. There they where, yelling at each other, I crawled under a table and watched, ready to run if I was caught, my dad held my mothers hands around the wrist, she was crying. He never stopped yelling at her, it was terrible, I had never seen my mother like that, it was like she was trying to beg him to stop but couldn’t get the words out through all the crying. I looked around, saw a knife, I just wanted to take it and attack my dad, but I just stared at it, I looked up again, there was my dad, staring at me, just inches away. He took my hand and pulled me out from under the table and hit me, so hard, so cold.
I fell to the ground. There was silence, my dad went down on his knees and held me. He started crying “I’m so sorry, oh my god, what have I done?” he said. I didn’t even want to look at him; I just stood up and walked to my room. I locked the door and took a bag out of my closet and started packing. I took money, clothes, anything I could use. I don’t know what I was thinking; I just had to get out of there. So after I packed, I put my jacked on and went out through my window. It was dark, I had a flashlight, but I didn’t want to waste the batteries. I walked over to my brother’s window. He was still asleep. I knocked and saw that he opened his eyes, he looked at me, smiled and waved, and I waved back, smiled and walked away. He probably didn’t even know I wasn’t coming back, at least not for a while. I couldn’t stay there another minute, not in that house, not any more, my dad had crossed the line a long time ago but he didn’t realize it. I kept on walking down the street and to the bus stop, I waited for about ten minutes and then bus came and I went inside. There where just a few people in the bus, one old man, a couple of hookers and the bus driver. The whores were laughing about something, counting they’re money. I sat down near the door, so I could just step up and leave when I wanted to. I went off the bus, and started walking towards the subway station, I saw a small café and went inside, I was so hungry and I hadn’t even eaten dinner. I went to a small table and sat down, a bimbo waitress came towards me and handed me a menu “I’ll be back in a sec’ so you can order, okay?” she said, I just smiled, took the menu and started looking, in a few minutes the waitress came back, “I’ll just have a small slice of apple pie and a glass of water” I said, the waitress took the menu, smiled and walked away. I looked around, this was a pretty cozy but kind of cheap place, paintings on the walls, pictures of people, smiling, having fun, the kind of fun I hadn’t had since a long time ago. In the middle of my thoughts the waitress came out of the kitchen with a plate and a cup. She put it on the table and I saw that there was coffee in the cup, “but…” I started but she just smiled and said, “It’s a cold night, and it’s on the house”. I smiled “thank you” I said, who ever knew people could be so nice, to a girl that looked like a dirty blanket. I ate my apple pie, it was so good and warm, and the coffee was delicious. After I finished eating, I went to the counter and played for the pie, smiled to the waitress and went out. I looked back and saw that she was still smiling, drying the tables. I walked down to the subway station and went to buy a ticket. “Where’ ya’ headin’?” the guy asked, “Surprise me…” I said. I didn’t care where I was going. “I can’t sell you the ticket, if you’re running away from home, okay? Just go home” he said and looked at me like I was lost, or something. I just walked away and out of the subway, I would just need to hitch a ride. I started walking down the street, it was cold, and I was just wearing a skirt, T-shirt and a denim jacket. It was late, dark and not a lot of cars there. Every time I heard a noise, I got more afraid, my dad probably didn’t even know I was gone, I had locked my door before I went out so they probably thought I was just upset or something. I finally saw a car coming my way and tried to get a better look at it but I couldn’t see it in the dark. It stopped, and a cute, but slightly geeky guy looked out. “Do you need a ride?” he asked, I took a better look at him and smiled “yeah, not far though, just anywhere” I said and walked towards the other side of the car and got in to the car on the passenger side. We talked, his name was Ray. He was realy nice, and we talked for hours, until I realized it was getting bright. I looked at my watch; it was five o’clock in the morning. I couldn’t believe I had been away for so long. We finally stopped in a small town and Ray said he was going to stay at a hotel and that there was an airport near here if I wanted to go anywhere, but I went with him to the hotel and decided to stay the night, at least. So we went to the hotel, and he got a room for one, and asked for extra sheets and a mattress, so I could sleep on the floor. We went up to the room, and it was great, Ray was realy rich and had just finished college and was getting a job at a law firm in this small town. Ray said he was going out and that I could order something from room service, set up the mattress and he would be back a little later. When he left, I took advantage of the room service and ordered more than I could eat, I just kind of liked being able to order so much, it made me feel kind of rich. After I had stuffed myself full of every thing I could get, I started going trough Ray’s things, and I found a lot of money. After I had taken a lot of money I went downstairs to the front desk and called a taxi. I went outside, and waited for a few minutes before it came, I went in to the taxi and told the driver I wanted to go to the airport.
In about twenty minutes the car stopped in front of the airport. I paid the driver and went inside. I went to the front desk and bought a ticket to L.A. with Ray’s money of course, I always wanted to go to Los Angeles and the ticket cost a fortune. I went in to a room full of chairs, where I could wait, and there was free coffee there so I had a few cups while waiting. Finally I heard “flight 183 to Los Angeles is now boarding” and I stood up and a few minutes later I was for the first time, in an airplane. Very few people where in the plane, people didn’t go to L.A much that time of the year the stewardess said, when I asked her about it. It was so great being in the plane, I looked out the window a lot, but in a couple of hours I got tired of it and went to sleep. The stewardess woke me up some time later and told me that the food was coming now and put a trey on the little table in front of me. The food tasted great and there was also a little piece of cake, chocolate, with a lot of fudge, and for a moment I forgot about my awful life and pretended I was rich. After the stewardess took the trey I went to sleep again, but woke up to a voice “miss, wake up, you need to fasten your seatbelt, we land in about fifteen minutes”, it was the stewardess. I smiled to her and put on my seatbelt. I sat and waited, and in fifteen minutes I was in Los Angeles. I went out of the plane and kind of ran through the airport and out through the door. Outside, a lot of taxies where parked and I walked towards one of them, and asked to go to the nearest cheap hotel, the taxi driver nodded and said he knew exactly what I meant. I laughed quietly, “So, what brings you to L.A?” he asked, I just shook my head and said, “I don’t know yet”. He nodded “hmm…tough, I’m Tony, I’m not realy a cab driver, I’m doing this for my cousin, he’s at home sick so he couldn’t work today” he said, he had an Italian accent, and looked kind of Italian-American to me, he was probably a little bit old, his bald head kind of showed it. “So, don’t you have a job?” I asked, he nodded, “I own a small pizza place, same street as that cheap hotel I’m taking you to”, he replied and smiled. We talked for a long time until he dropped me off at that hotel. After I got out of the cab, he rolled down the window and said “hey! If you need a job or anything, my pizza place is just a few minutes away, ok?” I smiled, nodded and waved as he drove away. I went inside the hotel, it was kind of a dump compared to the hotel I had gone to with Ray. At the front desk, I asked for one of the cheapest rooms. And, believe me; I got the cheapest room in the world! It cost ten dollars a night, that’s two hundred and eighty a month. And the room was kind of cozy. Only two rooms, a bedroom and a bathroom. The bedroom had one bed, a small table and a closet, the bathroom had a shower, toilet, a sink and one medicine cabinet-mirror. The first thing I did was to lock the door, then I started unpacking, clothes in the closet, some things on a little table beside my bed and the money, I put in a small metal box and taped it behind the sink. When every thing was ready, I was realy tired and I went to sleep. My first day away from home, had been pretty rough.