Jake Williams zoomed in. He could see three men inside the house. “Report in“said the captain’s voice on the radio. “Blue team standing by” “red team standing by,” answered the two swat teams, hiding in the bushes. “Six targets inside the building, armed with automatic weapons” said Jake on the radio.”Remember people, we need that Intel. We have to know what the Russians are up to. Lieutenant, Williams you are clear to fire. I repeat, you have permission to fire.” Jake looked through the scope of the Dakota T-76 Longbow silenced sniper rifle. He saw one man walking out of the house. BANG. The man was dead before he hit the ground. “GO GO” Shouted the captain in the radio. Both teams rushed in to the house and started clearing it. Jake heard gunfire. Suddenly the house blew up. “Captain, the house just blew up and the teams were inside.” “WHAT!!! How in god’s name could that have happened? Get to the Extraction point lieutenant, and hurry up… lieutenant? Lieutenant Williams, do you copy? I repeat, do you copy?” Lieutenant Williams was dead. He had been shot in the head with an M16 automatic assault rifle. “Send a search and rescue team on the location and see if we can find Lieutenant Williams.” Five hours later the search and rescue team returned with the body of Lieutenant Jake Williams.
Three weeks later.
Anne Williams had just arrived home from work when a black car drove up the driveway of the house. A man in a military uniform stepped out. At first she thought that her husband, Jake was home from Russia. But then a priest stepped out as well and she realised what had happened. She fell to the ground and started crying. The two men rushed to her and started comforting her. When Michael Williams, son of Anne and Jake Williams, came home from school two hours later, the men were gone. Michael Had just turned eighteen three days ago and his parents had given him a brand new car for his birthday. Michael, or Mike like his parents and friends called him, was eighteen years old. He was fifteen when his father joined the 22. Sniper division and seventeen when his father was shipped to Russia. When he heard the news of his father he was really angry and punched a wall. His mother calmed him down and told him that his father was in a better place now.
I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.