Vampire - fyrsta sagan mín á ensku sem tókst.
Já ég var að skoða stílabækur frá því í 8 bekk og ég gerði þessa sögu fyrir enskuverkefni, líka auðveldara að gera sögur á ensku, svona leiðréttidæmi í word n' stuff, en ég afsaka stafsetingarvillur sem eru eflaust þarna einhverstaðar.
With his head lowered he stalk’s the streets of London, there was no one around that night, he watched as lights were extinguished in houses along the streets. He couldn’t count how many times he wished he could be one of these people, a nice home, a warm fire and a family who loved him. But he was truly alone. He stops ad watched the houses, trying to feel the warmth inside them, he had been cold inside for so long, his heart had turned to ice long ago, seemingly impenetrable. A new found guilt had crept its way inside him, he had thought if he drank from a couple of members of the family and turned them maybe he could have a family of his own. But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside, he had cursed the person who had made him on that cold night so long ago, he didn’t want to become what he hated most, he had never turned a human. He had wanted to, the beast inside had begged for it, for the companionship of the dead, But he had never given in to it.
He spotted someone in the distance, his eyes seemed to trick him, it couldn’t be, he moved forward slowly, his eyes glued to her, he watched the way she moved, her head held high in some sort of mock regal gesture, he watched as scanned the surrounding areas like she owned them all. He watched as she looked more and more like the girl he had murdered on his fist night as one of the undead. Her face was the same, of course this was the twenty first century her style had changed. She wore a long black skirt, a split all the way up to the top of her thigh, A tight crimson red strapless top showed all her curves. Her skin was still the same milky pale white. This must be one of her descendants, it chilled him to think that, did the woman he killed long ago have a child, and he had never known that about her. A pain stabbed at his heart. This girl was definitely influenced by the gothic culture of today, her beauty somehow managed to get through the thick black lipstick and eye shadow painted on her face.
He quickened his pace to catch up with her, he never understood why he couldn’t control his actions at times like these, it was if somehow whatever lay inside him took complete control of him for that time and he went away, laying in the darkest recessed of his mind. It was like remote viewing, watching this all play out through someone else’s eyes, this did not feel like him. He knew what was about to come next.
“Excuse me miss?” he shouted to the girl walking up ahead, she turned to look at him, a thin smile grew on her lips, he never liked to admit it to himself, for fear of a big head but he knew he was attractive, plus he had that dark, handsome thing going for him.
“Yes?” she answered, a little look of confusion on her face.
He moved so he was standing directly in front of her, looking down upon her sweet smiling face, no matter what facade she tried to put on with her style and ways, he could tell she was a sweet innocent little thing.
“I just wanted to ask what you were doing walking alone this time of night?” he smiled at her, but it wasn’t him now, he wondered was he just deluding himself, was it really someone else doing these things, or had it always been him and he was not man enough to take full responsibilities for his actions.
“And why would a perfect stranger care what another stranger was doing?” she smirked up at him, her perfume tingling the receptors in his nostrils, being a vampire gave his sense a boost, the predatory instinct in him had also grew, he could smell the fear of his victims, his sight, hearing and speed had been greatly enhanced. He thought it must be like a consolation prize, he didn’t win because he died, but he had these powers as a kind of cheer up.
“Maybe he’s lonely and wants some company, and he is just using this concern as an excuse to be in the company of a beautiful girl like yourself.” He blushed slightly and lowered his head. He felt a warm hand reach underneath his chin and raise his head to meet her eyes.
“Then I would welcome the company.” She smiled at him
He returned her smile and began walking at her side, no matter how far they walked, he wished that she would never reach where she was headed. Her just being here with him, gave him a little warmth to his heart. He turned his head to her ready to ask a question, only to find she had been watching him all along, while he was busy trying to avert his eyes, she had been watching him.
“What’s your name?” it was a lame question, but it was a lot less embarrassing than ‘will you stay with me forever’. He watched as she lowered her eyes trying to decide whether to tell him her name or not. He didn’t see why this would be so hard; she had let him walk with her.
“My names Lucia, I know it’s an old fashioned name, but my family is like that.” She squinted her eyes as if she was expecting a laugh from him.
He looked at her warmly and smiled “I don’t know what your talking about, Lucia is a beautiful name,” he shifted his eyes away from her and lowered his head once more, it seemed easier to ask the more personal questions that way, he had not had much experience in the way of human interaction in such a long time, it was better this way.
“So are you with anyone at the moment Lucia, like a boyfriend or are you courting?”
“Courting?” she giggled, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone our age use that expression, you sound like my grandmother. His smile grew wide, he was messing up already. His speech was still of a gentleman of old time. He had not changed in his ways much. “And to answer your question, no I’m not Courting at the moment, why you wanna ask me out or something?” Now it was her turn to lower her head, he didn’t think she could embarrass so easy. Her sweet way was what forced him to do it at that exact moment, he turned around grabbed hold of her in his tight embrace, she gasped, and pulled away a little. She wasn’t struggling like the others usually did. She closed her eyes waiting to see what he would do, maybe he believed he was going to kiss her, in a way that’s just what he did. He opened his mouth to reveal two sharpened fangs glistening in the moonlight. Moving his hand slowly through her hair he tilted her head to one side and bit down deeply into her soft milky flesh. Again she gasped and her eyes flew open, that was when he heard her say something which he found difficult to understand. “Vampire!”
It wasn’t a scream, more of an exclamation. He placed another hand over her heart, he felt the vibrations from within becoming panicked, he drank as he felt her heart starting to slow. An idea raced through his head, it was so fast he didn’t have time to come up with an argument for it. He withdrew his teeth from her neck and placed them on his forearm, making two holes deep into his own flesh he placed his arm over her mouth. With her eyes opened and understanding what he wanted her to do, she drank greedily of his blood. When she could take no more she pulled away sharply and fell to the floor and into unconsciousness. He looked down at her shocked. What had he done.