Þetta er eitthvað rugl/þvæla/whatever you wish.
I feel like writing.
I'm in the writing mood.
You know the one? That one that just seems to pour over you whenever you're feeling down?
Well, you might not know it. It probably comes across to you as something totally different. Maybe a need for violence? To hurt somebody. To hit the wall. To cut tiny, tiny slits into your porcelain skin?
Some people use music. Just…listen. Sit down and listen. Some people use art. Some people use both.
All in all, it's a feeling that you get that helps you reduce the pain. That feeling that you need to get it all out. Just let it out. Take out the anger in whatever form you wish. Cry or scream. Scream and cry. It can be dangerous. It can help you become more expressive than you could ever dream of. It could rob you of all words and just sit you down to make a picture instead. Take your soul from inside your being, down your arm, into the pen and mixed with ink you can pour it on a piece of paper.
The worst thing that you can do, when you get this feeling, is to do nothing at all. Just hold it in. Apperantly, the people that do that – the people that you've always considered stronger than anyone else, for they never shed a tear – just tend to break down in the middle of the street. Or maybe at work. Or maybe during a movie that they can relate to. Some might even go crazy.
I found a picture that I drew some time ago when I was feeling really down. It had a poem at the bottom. Now, I don't really remember the exact words of the poem, but I remember what it was about: sometimes, when you're feeling down, you don't want to feel better. You don't want to raise yourself up again. ‘Sometimes I don’t want to fly. My wings are torn, anyways'. One line went like that. Now, the people that stay under for too long, they just…crawl into a ball and die. Maybe not literally, but their soul, their joy…their smile dies. It isn't a nice thing.
My advice? Don't take my advice. Because I don't have any. I don't have a way out. Life doesn't have a door.