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All Alone – Bright Green Eyes

He’s finally mine I thought. I looked at him in his bed. Of course he’s in chains, but that’s for his own protection. I don’t want to loose him, not now. I’ve waited for so long to have someone besides me. I live in að farm so I get rather lonley. It’s a terrible feeling. Being all alone. Feeling there’s no one in the whole world but you. Having no one to warm you on a cold winters night. The winters here get very cold, and its hard. but he’ll understand. He has to. He can’t leave me all alone here.
When he came here it was love at first sight. Of course he did’int notice. He had his eyes on that slut. Those beatiful bright green eyes. That was one of those lonley nights. The storming rain. The lightenings. I was all alone in this great, big house. It’s painful to be alone for long. When they knoked on my door, I was shoced. No one ever comes out here. When they came in I noticed his eyes for the first time. These bright green eyes. I looked into them and I found myself in a another world. I knew there was something special about him. About these eyes.
He asked if he could use my telephone. They wanted help to get out of here. Their car broke down. I went with him to the phone. The girl was frightened by the house. I don’t like her. When he tryed to call for help there was no tone. I told him the phonelines were problably down. That was a lie. This phone has never worked. I have no one to call. But still I lied. I lied to the man I love. But it was neccasary. If he had known that, he had gone away from me. And I can’t loose him. Not now. I offered them to stay. Of course he accepted. I think he had started to love me by then. He insisted to stay in room with the girl. Silly boy. He can’t tell her that he loves me, not her. But he dosen’t have to worry, I’ll just tell her. The morning after she woke up before him. She told me things. She said that it had been a stupid idea from him to run away and get married.
She thaught he was stupid.
I tryed to find out more about him. Not that I needed her anymore. We’ll be together forever. By the time she had finished I’ve gotten more angry than ever. She does not call the love of my life stupid. Not with out being punished. He’s perfect!
I held the knife tight in my hands. I saw she was getting frightened my the look in my eyes. I was focused on her. I had to do something. She would never leave him. He’s too perfect. So I did what I had to do. I got rid of her. It was for our own sakes. We could never be happy with her around. She’s a mean wicked girl. She’s a slut. She’ll try to keep us apart from each other.
I attacked her. I hate her so much. I stabbed her again an again and again. It happen so fast that she could’int even scream. I don’t remeber much of this. I was so angry. Soon after she stopped struggling I knew I had to move fast. He could wake up. I ran up the stairs. There he was. Resting so peacfully. With his beatiful green eyes closed. I had to tie him to the bed. He would’in understand. Not yet. No one ever under stands me. But he will. I’ll make him understand. I tied him down. I’ll explane to him later. I went down stairs again. I saw her body. She used to be pretty. Not any more. I had to get rid of her. She’ll start to stink in few days. They alway do. I can bury her in the woods. No one will ever find her there. No one ever comes here. Soon after I cleand up the mess she made I heard him shout. Then I knew he was awake. So I did what every woman would do for the man she loves. I prepared brekfast and braught it to him. When I came inside the room he was angry. He shouted mean words at me, but I know that he dosen’t mean what he said. He still loves me. I can see it in those bright green eyes. I tryed to explain but he just shouted. I let him be for a while, and give him his food later. I dont want him to starve. But in time I know he’ll understan why I did all this. It was for us. He’ll understand. Later when I went to him he ate a bit and asked about the girl. I told him the truth. I told him that she had left. She had. I was’int lying to him this time. Now I sit here all alone like so often. It’s been a few days. He eats my food. He’s starting to realise that he loves me. He can’t be without me. He loves me. He just has too. And he’ll understand too. I just can’t stand to be all alone any more. But he’ll understand. They always understand in the end. All the others understood.

Thanks for reading
Quod Est Ante Pedes Nemo Spectat: Coeli Scrutantur Plagas